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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Black Short Haired Aussie?

by Brooke D
(Edmond, Oklahoma, USA)

We brought Taz home at 6 weeks old and quickly realized that he wasn't fluffy at all. His siblings were like Pom Poms rolling around on the floor but he was not. I'm just wondering if there's any hope at all for him to get at all fluffy? His unusual coloring is also something I'm concerned with. Do you guys think he's full Aussie? If not I love the little devil to death but just want to know! Thanks for your time and I hope you guys can help me!

9 weeks old
11 inches high
9-10 lbs
Black bi color
Hanging tree bloodline??

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Mix with Aussie Cattle
by: Stephanie

My Aussie Shephard male and Aussie Cattle female had puppies. All but 2 had short black fur. One looks almost identical to yours!

Puppy coat
by: Anonymous

Hard to tell at this age but many working blood aussies have shorter fur especially as puppies. He should get a lot more fur as an adult. I have one that had very short fur until about two years old and he is extremely fluffy now like a show Australian Shepherd would be.

Double breeding.....
by: Buz

In the 80's I picked out my girl from a litter from an Australian Cattle Dog bitch & an unknown sire. She looked like an Aussie pup and was the only one of the litter to not have the Cattle Dog coat. It could have been a case of a double bred litter, (from two different sires)...

Our puppy looks like yours?
by: Lisa

Our puppy we adopted looks just like your puppy. Did you ever find out what type of mix your puppy is? All they told us was that she was an Australian Shepherd mix.

Short hair Australian Shepherd
by: Anonymous

I just brought a 9-week-old Australian Shepherd. I'm wondering if she is an Australian Shepherd.

Short haired Aussie
by: Angela

Our Australian Shepherd is a year old and we were wondering if she was a purebred. She came with papers. We had no idea that there were short-haired Aussies. Her coat seems to be getting longer but I can’t imagine that she will eventually be fluffier. Someone wrote that their dog’s coat got fluffy by the age of two. I certainly hope for that.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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