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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

1, 2, 3... Only Aussies For Me!!!

by Cathy
(Sequim, WA)

Me with Cowboy & Daisy

Me with Cowboy & Daisy

My first Aussie was my beloved Cowboy—72 pound black tri, a real old soul. Although he is no longer with us on this earth, he's with me and my other 2 Aussie"s in spirit.

Now my Daisy, also a blk tri grew up with Cowboy—she and he were the best of friends, Cowboy would be so patient with Daisy nipping (the way Aussies do)—she was herding him. Ha!!!

Daisy and I went through a very difficult time losing Cowboy. Well my wonderful husband wasn't going to have his girls stay down for very long! He surprised me with a ride to a breeder and that"s where Strider found us! Yes, our 3rd!

Strider is just what Daisy and I needed, however never forgetting Cowboy! Strider is a red merle with blue eyes. The most amazing thing is, we came to find out that he has Cowboy"s lineage. My husband had no idea and when Strider's breeder shared this—the tears came!

Love my Aussies!!! Enjoy yours every day!!!

Warmest Regards,

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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