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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

1 Year Old Aussie - Biting and Nipping Problem

by Adam

Hi all, I have a 1 year old Aussie, who's amazing. But we got him at 7 months old so he has some slight issues. Me and my girlfriend have been training him and he's doing amazingly well, however there are some issues with him that we cant seem to shift, so any help or tips would be appreciated.

He goes in 3 long walks a day and is always stimulated however sometimes he likes to nip and bite. If we walk to the kitchen he may run over and try and nip our legs.

Is there any techniques we can try to stop this behaviour? We do a stern 'NO' correction which sometimes works but he likes to use his mouth a lot more than he should.

Kind regards

Aussie Behavior Problems?
Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for 1 Year Old Aussie - Biting and Nipping Problem

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typical behavior for aussies
by: Anonymous

It is part of their herding instinct.
My aussie came to live with us at age 4 and would do it if I ran and a couple of times at people just walking by.
I would get down to her level, grab her collar in both hands and get my face right in hers and give a very strong "NO".
I've also heard that some have stopped the behavior by stomping their feet at the dog with a strong no.
It is important to stop this behavior before he/she nips a child or stranger.
If these or other methods don't work, it would be advisable to see a trainer with aussie experience.

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