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1 Year Old Australian Shepherd Seems To Tire Easily
by Sumrbrz
Moments before the rain and mudhole
Moments after the rain and mudhole
First frisbee catch
Breeze and Waldo
My pup Breeze is obsessed with balls! She loves to retrieve and then instead of giving me the ball, she prances around me, making sure I see the ball in her mouth. Haha
When I say "ok bye," she brings me the ball. Lately Breeze seems to get tired easily. After 4 or 5 fast 80 yard sprints, she just plops down, panting rapidly. She rests a few minutes, then wants to play again, but her panting never decreases, and she lays down more often.
She has never done this before, and the Vet says her weight is just fine. We play by several creeks, and one is very slow moving with standing water. I'm scared that a mosquito may have bitten her last summer before she started H'worm med. I'm having her tested tomorrow.
What I was wondering is; Is this normal behavior for Aussies (and other herding dogs) or is there anything else I should have her checked for? Thanks!
Grateful in NC