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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

1 Year Old Mini Aussie - Fearful, Irritated

by Lauren

Paisley <3

Paisley <3

I was just wondering if anyone has had the same issues as I am having with my 1 yr old female Mini Aussie. She is a great dog, perfect size, doesn't shed much, is very obedient.. I love her to death! However, she has never liked kids or strangers.

She has nipped at my little cousins before and I can tell when there is any children around her she just gets so nervous, she doesn't know what to do. And this really stresses me out, the last thing I want is her biting someone's child. Also, she has nipped at a couple of my family members and even close friends that are always around. She usually does this when she is either hot and tired, or she has a bone and they get too close to her. She has never drawn blood, I feel like it's just more of a warning that she is uncomfortable and to stay away.

My problem is I don't know how to react to her in these situations. I warn people about her, and I tell them when I think she's had enough and to leave her alone. But I don't want to always be worrying about this; especially because I plan on having kids sometime in the near future. As a young pup I socialized her very well, I'm not sure why she acts this way. Should I try and socialize her more with children and strangers? I know she's not a mean dog, she really isn't out to hurt anyone. I keep hoping that this is just a phase and she will grow out of it. Does anyone have any input or suggestions? Thx.

Comments for 1 Year Old Mini Aussie - Fearful, Irritated

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Mini aussie help
by: Anonymous

I am having the same issues with my female mini aussie. She is aggressive to any stranger and children, not my own. She has nipped and is very fearful. I am not sure this will go away as she is 2 soon

Same problem
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same problem with a nine month old male mini Aussie. He has gone almost everywhere with me so he has been socialized. Just recently he has been showing aggression toward strangers and my five year old nephew. He is great with my eight year old daughters, but other kids seem to bother him. That's how I came across this. It really disappointing.

Ever vigilent
by: Anonymous

With a dog like this, you will probably always have to be diligent about supervising children and strangers. The breed standard calls for them to be reserved, and it is not secret that they can be nippy due to their herding heritage. Not to say that they aren't great family dogs, but if you are having this problem do not assume that it can be trained out of them. Many dogs can never be trusted with children.

One year old fun and playful .
by: Anonymous

Have a one year old mini Aussie that loves to play ball and loves strangers as much as her family. Sheds some, and enjoys tearing up toys, but is a very lovable pet.

Aggressive toward children
by: Tamra

We are having the same issue with 1.5 year old neutered male mini Aussie. It is random and out of the blue. We are going to work with a trainer to try desensitizing but have already done lots of training. The trainers we have worked with have said to teach him to wear a muzzle and keep it on him when we are out in public and could encounter a child.
Otherwise, he is a bright, sweet, lovable companion. I can't imagine my life without him.

Aussie working cowdog.
by: Anonymous

I bred and trained aussies for years. They are working dogs. They need a job. If serious issues it most likely not enough training and keeping your dog busy. The breed works hard with livestock that’s what their bred for. Get your dog into agility classes or stock dog competitions. Don’t give up on you Aussie if you love them. They are great with kids. I have seven kids and we lived on a ranch. Then we cuddled up with our dogs after work and fun. Enjoy your Aussie but give him a job.

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