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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

11 Month Old Aussie Extremely Small

by Jessie
(North Carolina)



Chloe is my first ever Australian Shepherd, so this has been a huge learning experience. My concern is that she is so tiny. At 5 months old she only weight 10 pounds, now at 11 months old she weighs between 20 and 25 pounds.

She's also very short at maybe a foot tall. She was the runt of the litter and I was told she would be just a little smaller than my 80 pound Pit Bull.

Chloe is a very active dog, she loves herding everyone in the house including both of my Pits. Shes eats well but doesn't overeat.

She's very smart and intelligent and learns quickly—very eager to please. She is extremely bonded to me and is a very happy dog. But I'm very worried about her size. Should I be worried? The vet says she is healthy.

Comments for 11 Month Old Aussie Extremely Small

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Small Aussie
by: Tom

More than likely a Mini Aussie like mine are...I have two Mini's My Male is tiny and my female is a bit bigger... and they are the best pets ever.

by: Anonymous

She actually looks like she could be a Mini Aussie. I have two Aussie's they are 50lbs and 60lbs but I also have a male Mini Aussie and he is only 30lbs.

If she was the smallest of the litter I wouldn't expect her to get anywhere near the 50lb range.

Hope this helps!

by: Marsha

Let me see, healthy, happy, and active. Vet says all is okay. Sounds fine to me!

by: Jessie

Thank you all. I feel much better after all of your comments. Its weird though because a specifically asked the breeder if she was a mini and he said no. She grew until she was 6 months old and now it seems shes staying at her current height and weight. I guess shes just going to stay a tiny girl. Either way i love her.

May still grow a bit
by: Martha

We have a 1 1/2 year Aussie female. I too thought she was quite small once she was a year old. Our boys are quite big, 60 and 55 lbs. But she was only about 30.
I have noticed over the last few months she seems to have gone through a growth spurt. So at 1 1/2 years she is now about 40 lbs. Being female she will tend to be smaller than the males. But you may find that she may still have some growing to do.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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