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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

11 Month Old Wont Eat

by Emilie

We have an 11 month old blue merle Aussie and he seems to have lost his appetite. He has always been a fast eater until recently. Now he will just kinda nibble on it and sometimes wont even finish it. Should we change brands of food?

Comments for 11 Month Old Wont Eat

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Finiky eater
by: Chistopher

There are a coulpe of things we need to knoe before we can help with our suggestions. 1) Do you leave food out for him all the time? 2) Does he keep it down when he eats? If (1) is yes you'll need to set a schedule for him, put his food in a bowl give him time to eat it, if he does not eat then pick it up and feed him later. He will learn to eat when fed or go hungry. I know that sounds harsh but that's how my Aussie's leanred to eat when fed. (2x) a day. If(2) is yes have a vet check him out for a parasite or illness.

hold off
by: Anonymous

he probably has stopped growing now, so may not need as much. Is he still active? if he's not as active, that may explain it.
If he loses alot of weight, or get lathargic, then I would try a different food, or perhaps maybe just wet the one he has now, or add a little something to it.

by: Debbie

My aussie is 8 mo old and she started getting finiky with her I gradually mixed adult dry food with her puppy food and she is very happy now.

raw feeding
by: Anonymous

Explore the option of raw feeding. It is absolutely the best! Check out HealthyAussies yahoo group for information. The fillers and grains in commercial dog food are so bad for dogs.

Note from Anton: More info on Raw Dog Food Diet Here.

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