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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

2 Great Aussies

by Debbi

Sugar & Scooter

Sugar & Scooter

I'm convinced... Aussie's are the greatest dogs. My husband and I have had a total of 3. Sam was our first and he just showed up at our home one day as a stray. The owners found him and took him home, but he kept returning to our house. The owners finally asked us if we wanted him and of course we said "yes".

Sam went to work with my husband everyday on the ranch. He never had any training at herding cattle... he was just a natural. Unfortunately, we lost Sam to a tragic accident, and to say the least we were devastated. After a couple of years my husband decided he wanted another Aussie. That's when we got Sugar.

What a cutie she was. I dreaded having a puppy and having to go through all the puppy stages, but she was so easy. She is also a great herder and works her heart out on the ranch. Six months ago we got another Aussie... "Scooter". Same as Sugar... he was just too cute. It's really amazing how their personalities are totally opposite... just like some siblings. But the one thing they have in common is... intelligence, devoted, loving, loyal, and smart. What amazes me is how how well they listen and do what is asked of them.

Although Sugar is just shy of 40 lbs and Scooter has surpassed her, they both think they are lap dogs. I am convinced without a doubt that Aussies are the best dogs.

Comments for 2 Great Aussies

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Stray Aussie
by: Anonymous

Had the same thing happen to us. Beautiful smart little girl Aussie preferred our home to her own. When her owners seen her with us in our yard they told us they loved her but she wasn't content with them. These dogs need alot of attention that they weren't able to give her and they were amazed how calm and in control she was with us. They said she never would have stayed in the yard at their side the way she was following my husband around the yard that day. With tears in their eyes they said they really never seen her happier and they gave us the best gift anyone could ever have given us.I guess these dogs not only are smart themselves but seem to make their owners smarter, wiser and forever touched. Thanks for your story.

Great dogs
by: Don R

I never had an Aussie until October 2008 when we adopted Autumn, a 9-week old red-tri female. She is such a great dog---smart, athletic, and very loving. My wife and I fell in love with Aussies very quickly and we adopted an 8-week old red-tri male, Tank, in June 2009. He is also a wonderful dog. They play with each other constantly and they are very good with other dogs and children, even though our kids are grown. Your picture reminded me of our two awesome Aussies!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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