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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

2 Year Old Nipping Only Some People

by Mike
(Granger IN, USA)

Our Aussie is 2 years old. He has an issue with nipping or snapping at only some people. For instance, a person gave our dog a treat. He then petted our Aussie a few times and our Aussie nipped at him. He has never gotten anyone but this concerns me. I don't understand why it is only some people and some children.

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by: Kate

I've had Aussies for many years. An Aussie that is particular about who they nip is trying to communicate to you that the dog senses something is off. I was told when I got my first dog that the Aussie can read minds and they do have an uncanny ability to read people and situations faster than us mere humans are able to accomplish. Perhaps the person getting nipped was unintentionally aggressive toward your dog or your dog felt that person was untrustworthy. One of my dogs was nippy towards our house cleaner and thru training I got him to stop nipping. However, later I discovered that the house cleaner had stolen most of my antique family knickknacks. I should have listened more closely to what the dog was trying to tell me.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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