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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

4 Month Old Aussie Mix Puppy Nips Only Me?!

Hi everyone! I need help! My husband and I adopted an Aussie mix puppy about a month ago. He is a very sweet and smart puppy the only issue we are having is he is nipping/ biting (sometimes I bleed) me when I go to correct him or when he gets excited. He rarely does it to my husband.

I always correct him in a stern tone and calm tone and say NO but it never seems to work, I have tried ignoring him after, had a behaviorist come out and teach me how to act but it seems as though I can't get my point across.

Anything physical while correcting him gets him worked up (the behaviorist had us do motions like his mother). The only thing that seemed to work was bitter Apple spray but not on your hands, it had to go into his mouth, which felt cruel, what do I do?! It is very frustrating to feel like his chew toy!

We found out after adopting him that he did come from an abusive situation, I don't know if that could play a role?

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Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for 4 Month Old Aussie Mix Puppy Nips Only Me?!

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Responds to Nippy Pup
by: Eliza4u2

Of course a puppy of four months could have scars from abuse at such an early age. Maybe he "nipped/bit" out of fear due to ill treatment which would be quite natural, and at four months, he doesn't know any better yet. I think if you give him LOTS OF LOVE, time and patience, you'll see a positive improvement as he grows up and develops. Love, before all else, is very important in a pups development. All the best to you!

Puppy biting
by: Anonymous

I only believe that positive training for Aussies work. They are very smart and very sensitive. I had this issue when my girl was young. Only me not my husband. I repeatedly cried no no momma wants kisses. Whenever she bit or nipped I used eh eh eh kisses. She learned in a few days when she stopped and kissed mom rewarded her. Always have small training treats. Reward the behavior you want. Took about two weeks. She is now such a lover at 2 yrs old. Lots of patience but also positive reinforcement worked. Lots of hard work but so rewarding.

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