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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

4 Month Old Pup Aggressive And Jealous Toward Older Dogs

by Katie

We just got a four month old female Aussie two days ago. She has done beautifully with our two young children and is learning commands very quickly. The only problem that we have had is she is very jealous when I hold, pet, talk to my older dog who is 4 year old Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu shows no aggression at all and even acts a little scared. I have firmly told her no many times but she keeps doing it.

I then brought her to mothers house to meet her dog, a Bernese mountain dog that wouldn't hurt a fly. The puppy growled at the Bernie and even tried to nip its face twice!

Is this something that will get worse or better with time? We have her signed up for puppy class but that doesn't start for another two weeks.

My biggest concern is that I am expecting a baby in 5 months and am wondering if she will be jealous of the baby as well? If this is her gene's talking I would like to know now instead of getting further attached and it not work.

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by: Anonymous

You puppy needs to learn where she fits in the "pack". She is low on the totem pole. You are highest, your older dog is the alpha dog ... above the new puppy. We just went through this with our two 10 month old Aussie puppies. We have a teacup poodle who is 8 years old. Over the past few weeks, we have made sure that the poodle, Lacey, gets to do everything first. She gets to eat first, she gets to greet my husband and us first, she gets treats first, everything. And we "announce" that it is time to eat and call Lacey and make sure they know she is getting fed first. They see her getting to greet us first. Stuff like that. If they show the slightest aggression towards her, we tell them to "leave it" or "no" very firmly. It will take the whole family and a week or two. Aussies are extremely intelligent and learn very quickly. Ours are responding very quickly. Lacey is more at ease also. Good luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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