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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

7 1/2 Week Puppy Is Nipping Hard, Drawing Blood

He is nipping at my feet and slippers, I tried yelping loud and he just continues to bite harder. I tried turning away and walk to another room, he just bites at my heels and ankles. I need some help, his nipping hurts and is drawing blood in multiple places.

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by: Anonymous

My Aussie is 1 years old, she was really bad at that when she was little. I found that when I was walking with her I started carrying a cane or a round stick with me and when she started I would put the stick or cane toward her mouth and it only took a few times and she started getting the message. I know what you mean about drawing blood, on two separate occasions I ended up having stitches from those little puppy teeth by just pulling my hand away when she connected. So, I thought about the cane as a way of keeping her off me and it worked. Hope this works for you.

it hurts
by: Bill

You might also try a water bottle with mist, or can with pennies to startle the puppy. You have to be careful as you don't want to overly frighten the puppy - but as the nipping can be dangerous seems one of those times to use stronger tools.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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