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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

7 Month Old Puppy With Low Energy

by Mr Madeira - (Wood in Portuguese)

We have a Mini girl, about 7 and one half months, 22 lbs. She is pretty much the most idealistic dog ever. Smart, knows tons of tricks and obedience etc... My only concern is with her energy level. She lasts maybe 2 max 3 throws with the ball and she just wants to run to the shade and lie down. She would sleep pretty much all day if we let her. We are an extremely active family and wanted an extremely active dog but she is just a lazy bum. We love her to death and she is super sweet but her energy levels are just not what we are hoping for. Do we just need to be patient and she'll get more energy soon or are we pretty much doomed on having a couch potato forever?

Yes we are feeding her good food, (taste of the wild stuff.)

Yes we are always super positive and upbeat in our play sessions.

Any recommendations on what to do to get her more energy and be able to want to play longer. She lasts maybe 3 mins. Is this normal for a puppy this age? When can we be expecting more energy?

Comments for 7 Month Old Puppy With Low Energy

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Low Energy
by: Louraine Millington

give her some nice raw diced steak, build her iron levels up. raw chicken wings or raw chicken necks too for her teeth, dog food doesn't always give them the most they need. Also remember the heat, is it too hot for her, get her blood tested for anemia too. but raw diced steak has plenty of iron. Remember before canned dog food, dogs were fed raw foods. They were created to eat raw food too. hope this helps.

Low Energy Puppy
by: Heidi


At that age she should last a lot longer. I got my Aussie at 4 months and she would go go go. But every dog is different. Have you spoken to the vet or breeder? I would start there. The vet may want to run some tyhroid or heart tests.
Best of luck!

by: Anonymous

Have you taken her to a veterinarian for a complete work up. There are various reasons for lack of energy. If you do not have a vet talk to friends for personal experiences and recommendations. A good veterinarian is a must.

Puppy with low energy
by: Anne

Have an ultrasound of her heart done.
Had a puppy like that and it had a hole in the heart. It was repaired and she is a conformation Champion, has agility & herding titles also.

You may also want to get her thyroid checked

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Todd

Our last Ausie, Syd had hypothyroidism. It was diagnosed partly from his low energy and lethargy. Other symptoms included thinning hair on his belly. The vet did a blood test found his cholesterol to be very high and they tested for levels of thyroxine in his blood. Once diagnosed with hypothyroidism, we gave him a daily pill of Soloxine (synthetic thyroxine) and his energy level went way up, hair grew back on his belly and he lived to the ripe old age of 16. If it's still an issue, you might have your vet check this out.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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