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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

8 Month Old Aussie Getting Aggressive With Other Dogs

by Tony
(Rock Hill, SC)

Hello, my name is Tony and I live in Rock Hill, SC. I have a 8 month old Aussie girl. I got her when she was approximately 4 months old. She lives in a great home and is played with constantly. Fetch, Frisbee, swimming etc. Knows some basic commands and is very smart. My problem is she has become very aggressive to people outside our immediate family and refuses to go on a leash. She fought at first when I got her but accepted the leash and now she goes psycho when one is on. I have put on a leash and let her run with it loose but once it is in my hands she is a different dog. I have socialized her, taking her to pet stores and parks. Putting her in different situations but for some reason she has become very aggressive. She is not food aggressive and loves to play with our other dog but goes after other dogs. Male or females.

I am familiar with breeds that are protective having Dobermans and GSD through out my life.

Thank you for any advise.

Comments for 8 Month Old Aussie Getting Aggressive With Other Dogs

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8 mth old getting aggressive
by: Anne

PLEASE take her to an obedience class so you can learn how to correct these behaviors properly.
The instructor may have some tricks for you to teach her quickly & easily to change those unwanted behaviors.
I have taught the local obedience classes in my home town for Years. I also rescue aussies and show in performance events.
If you would like to e-mail me I will try to help you more.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

I hear you
by: Denise

Like your girl ,My 16 months old dog hated leash he wouldn't move ..Took Us almost a week different types of leash ,collars etc... He is just okay , like tolerate the leash. And YES he started to behave agressive towards strangers ( not dogs) since he turned 1. We tried few positive /treat rewarding when he behaves well . He was dpoing okay we let the guard down , he almost bite someones hand off. if i didn't catch in time.Some trainer told us to read How to be your dogs best friend
( by Monks of New Skete). We are using their advices how to stop a dangerous agressive behavior by repreend your dog like the leader of pack would do or bitches treat the trouble maker of the litter. He's been more responsive to that ,he just figuring out that is not okay to eat some passerby just to protect his flock.Now when I yank the leash harshly, he knows that my first warning. Its working for awhile. Give a try , that book helped us a lot to understand who's the leader...

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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