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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

8 Month Old Australian Shepherd Nipping

My 8 month old Aussie is nipping at people. We just started an obedience class where she nipped at a kid and the trainer. She also nipped at the neighbor who got very upset becaue he has small kids. We plan to start an agility course at a facility next month but I am afraid she will nip at people. Any advice please on what to say or do about the nipping.

Comments for 8 Month Old Australian Shepherd Nipping

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think twice
by: Anonymous

I would do some reseach about the agility class, because I read that they really shouldn't start those classes until they are at least 1 year of sge. you don't want your baby to hurt himself.

I have an empty plastic water bottle, and I put a few pennys in it. I shake it when ever he does any unwanted behaviour, then I reward him when he does well, first with a treat, later, with words of praise, and affection.

Also, if you think its because he needs to burn up energy, take him for a run, or long walks. when he gets better about the nipping, a dog park to play and run with other dogs, and later, when he's about a year, enroll him in agility classs

Hope this helps.

Nipping puppy
by: Anonymous

Legally, a nip is a bite, so I would definitely be concerned if your neighbor has already expressed displeasure at the nipping. This could cause a lot of issues for you and your dog if he were ever to legally pursue the issue. Perhaps consult with your trainer about it? Also, I would suggest not allowing your aussie in a position to interact with people (other than the trainer) closely enough to nip until the problem is resolved. There is nothing wrong with telling people that they cannot pet your dog in the meantime.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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