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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

9 Month Old Female Rarely Barks

by Nancy

Our soon to be 9 month old female rarely barks at all. Just wondering if this is a normal thing for Aussies or is Maya just a quiet girl? She is a whiner for sure tho but I can count on one hand the times Ive heard her bark.


Comments for 9 Month Old Female Rarely Barks

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Rarely Barks
by: Linn

Wow you are one of the lucky one. I have two Aussie females one is 3 years old who barks at every leaf that moves, I have a 2 year old female Aussie that only barks when she she knows someone is around and going to do harm .... She is very mild manner. And I wish I could get my 3yr old to stop barking so much.

Rarely Barks
by: Anonymous

Our female puppy rarely barked and then at about 1 year she starting barking at the neighbour's dog but nothing else.

I think she is a quiet dog as we now have a 5 month old male mini and he barks at everything !!!!

me too!!!!
by: Anonymous

We have an 8 month old female Ausie and she is very quiet as well. She barks only when she hears something out of the ordinary or while playing with her brother.

I have tried and tried to teach her how to "Speak" "Bark" and "aroo-roo" (that's the sound she makes when she does bark.) She just doesnt speak on command. We also have an 8 month old male Ausie and he is very vocal.

Thought it was just our dogs. Good to know we are not alone.

by: Linn

After reading the comments it seems that if you have two aussies one is quiet the other will be the barker. We thought Lucee was maybe just hyper all the time... but she as I see it is the designated barker in the family of our pooches.. Its okay they are great companions and loyal dogs. We love our Aussies.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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