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9 Year Old Australian Shepherd Nipped Someone She's Known Since Puppy
by Barbie
(San Diego)
Kai the Nipper
We have high herding 9 year old female Aussie who 95% of the time is a total sweetie with visitors. On very rare occasions, unexpectedly and without warning she feels the need to nip. This nipping has happened, off leash at dog park or at our house. The nip is usually on the person's heel or knee and doesn't break the skin. We've had times where people have played with her for hours and then later just stand up to use the bathroom and she's nipped them.
We've spent thousands on training to break her of this. But, in 9 years we haven't had much luck because we never know when she's going to strike because it seems so random. However, it seems this behavior is becoming more frequent in the last year. (Mind you we got her an Aussie little brother). And today, after knowing our house cleaner since she was a puppy, she nipped her on the back of the heel. This was after she got plenty of exercise this morning. (We think she's in good health as we take her in every 6 months for check ups).
Obviously, from this point forward she will be put in the kennel when house cleaner and guests come over. (She's lost her off-leash privileges so we just walk her).
Does anyone have any advice on how to help this very unpredictable behavior? We're pretty frustrated and know at 9 it would be hard to break her of this... :(