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Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com Newsletter #009

Hello <>,

Here's to Your Aussie's Health!

Now that the new year is in full swing we'll hopefully get back into better eating habits, and that includes our Aussies. So we've added a new Dog Nutrition page and we've started by featuring Homemade Dog Food. We've also been busy with our new Favorite Puppy Names page, but we wanted it to be more than just a static list of names so we've added a little twist...

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In This Issue:

- WARNING: Cocoa Bean Mulch POISONOUS to Dogs

- How Healthy is Your Aussie's Diet?

- What's in a Name?

- New Features I'm Working On...

- Dog Quote for Today

WARNING: Cocoa Bean Mulch POISONOUS to Dogs

I recently received an email from a reader warning of Cocoa Bean Mulch which is used in landscaping. Here is part of the message I received:


"Yesterday one of our dog agility friends experienced a tragedy and wanted me to pass a special message along to all of my dog loving friends and family. Please tell every dog owner you know.

Over the weekend the doting owner of two young Lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch ... to use in their garden. They loved the way it smelled, and it was advertised to keep cats away from their garden.

Their dog Calypso decided that the mulch smelled good enough to eat and devoured a large helping. She vomited a few times which was typical when she eats something new but wasn't acting lethargic in any way.

The next day, Mom woke up and took Calypso out for her morning walk. Half way through the walk, she had a seizure and died instantly."


I haven't confirmed this story but I have confirmed that cocoa bean mulch is definitely toxic to dogs and cats. Dogs are attracted to it because of the smell and they may even eat substantial quantities.

The same ingredient present in chocolate is the culprit -- theobromine. Theobromine toxicity can result in vomiting, tremors, tachycardia (increased heart rate), hyperactivity, or diarrhea. Of course, the severity of symptoms increases with the amount consumed. Fortunately, most dogs recover and deaths are rare. However, fatalities can result so it is important to not use cocoa bean mulch in areas where your dog (or your neighbor's dogs) will have access.

>> For More Information on Cocoa Bean Mulch

How Healthy is Your Aussie's Diet?

Is your Aussie growling? Maybe it's just her tummy! Many of us are concerned about the commercial dog foods on the market today. We hear about recalls and health concerns even deaths related to them. They often contain fillers with no nutritional value and a list of ingredients that we don't understand.

So we've added a "Dog Nutrition" section where we share information about homemade dog food, ingredients to avoid, a video showing the preparation of a homemade dogfood recipe, information on dog food supplements and we even threw in a few recipes for dog food and treats for good measure.

That's where we need your help! Send us your Aussie's favorite homemade dog food or dog treat recipe. We've added a form to the page so you can tell us all about your canine gastronomical delight.

>> Check It Out Here and Send Us Your Recipe

What's in a Name?

You may notice on the site that it now says "Anton & Levi" but before it said "Scott & Levi". It's still the same ol' me. Anton is my middle name and when I first started this site I went with my first name. But my friends know me as Anton so it just seemed odd to be called "Scott" by all the freinds I've made through Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com. But this article isn't about my name it's about your Aussie's name...

Finding the perfect name for your new puppy can be a challenge. It has to suit her personality, it has to have a distinctive sound (so it's not confused with commands), and it has to be something you can call out loud in public. ;-)

When we decided to add a helpful list of puppy names we wanted it to be a little different. We want to build on the list we have started by adding your Aussie's name. We want to create a list of names of real Aussies. When you visit our "Favorite Puppy Names" page you will see that many of the names are in bold. Those are the names of Aussies and we want you to send us your Aussie's name so we can include it too. By the way, if you see your Aussie's name is already on the list but it's not in bold yet, send us the name so we can bold it.

We've added a form on the page so it's quick and easy to send us your Aussies name.

>> What's Your Aussie's Name?

New Features I'm Working On...

Share Your Aussie Pics and Stories!
I've had such an overwhelming response from readers to our Gallery section that I can't keep up with all the great photos that have been sent in. So I'm working on a way to let you create your own page! You will be able to add photos and even include stories about your Aussie that you can share with everyone. It will even allow other readers to comment on your pictures and stories. I'm very excited about this new feature and I'll be letting you know in upcoming newsletters how it's going and when it's available.

What's better than winning competitions with your Aussie? Being able to tell the world about it! Like the feature I was telling you about above, the new Brags feature will allow you to create a page with pictures where you can share your success with the world.

Rainbow Bridge
We all love our Aussies dearly and I wanted to have a way for our readers to be able to easily create a personal memorial. You will be able to add a picture and share how wonderful they were and how much they meant to you.

I would very much like to hear your feedback. Tell me what you think of these features and let me know if you have any other ideas.

>> Contact Me Here and Let Me Know What You Think

Dog Quote for Today

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.

- Bern Williams


Until Next Time...

Check back with us often as we are always adding more great information. Please let us know if there is something you would like to see on Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com.

We love to hear from fellow Australian Shepherd Lovers like you. Send us your ideas, your feedback and photos of your Aussie so we can include them on the site.

All the Best and Woof!

Anton and Levi

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Aussie Lovers Blog and RSS/XML Feed

We've added a site blog to let you know about new additions and updates to our site. Of course this newsletter is a great way to stay informed but now you don't have to wait for our next edition to come out. You can check our blog page anytime: We didn't stop there. We also added an RSS/XML feed of our site blog. Now you can easily subscribe to our feed and get our updates delivered to your RSS reader, My Yahoo!, My MSN or your Google Personalized Home Page.

>>> Australian Shepherd Lovers Blog and RSS/XML Feed

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