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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

A Police Officer's Best Friend

by Richardson

I Miss You

I Miss You

Bear I'm so sorry I couldn't help you baby. I thought you were so healthy and strong. I didn’t know within 24 hours I would no longer hear your song. Your silly song sounding like an otter when I got home, jumping on me every time I tried to walk. Even when I shrugged you off you didn't stop; you would just jump again until I leaned down with all my gear and scoop you into my arms. I was so proud you took the role of protecting your mom while I wasn’t home.

At 6 months old you were my relief for the morning, standing guard so mom could dream safely. While I was out protecting our streets you were protecting our home. It was so funny though you were so scared of the world outside of your yard but would fearlessly protect it at any sign of potential harm.

I and your mom loved you from the second you jumped into our arms. You were the happiest little puppy when we brought you home. You’re the first who depended on me without fear of me failing. You loved me unconditionally throughout any storm even smiling at the heaviest downpour. You opened your heart to me and your mom. Ha thinking back to the first time you jumped out of my arms running happily to the mirror to play with your reflection.

When the darkness came for you I’m sorry I wasn’t home. But at 7 months old I disagree that you should have gotten your call, you should still be on this earth with me. You were just too young… Even with my badge, gun, and the reach of my radio I couldn’t help you. I always told myself on the way to some of the scariest sides of the law, I would make it home to you. Now at my 4:00 a.m. wake up call after my bullet proof vest has been strapped on, I have to stop now for a long pause, pausing to pray at your open kennel with your smile gone, then going to be a stranger’s relief before the break of dawn. Smile at those gates big for me once again little man, for this time when I get my call it will be you greeting me for the first time into our new home.

Comments for A Police Officer's Best Friend

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Dec 25, 2012
Best Friend
by: Marsha Bosshold

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious protector. We lost both of our Aussies only one month apart. They were sisters from separate litters one year apart. They loved each other so much. When Pepper died, Roxie followed one month later. She mourned herself to death. But your sweet one should have had much more time. I do believe they wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge. You carry them in your heart forever.

Dec 25, 2012
by: Nonnie

Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss. What happened? We lost our first Aussie, Carly Jo, one week before her first birthday. She developed a gastrointestinal hemorrhage and the vets couldn't stop the bleeding.

I cried for weeks and even now, sometimes, it hits me again. We now have two Ausies, a blue-eyed blue Merle female mini Aussie named Bailee Joy. And a broken-eyed black tri female Toy Aussie, named Maggie Mae. They are half sisters born two weeks apart. They turned three in August and September.

I hope you will get another Aussie soon. They are the smartest and most loyal dogs ever!

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