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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

A Sign Of Age?

by Judy
(Imperial, Mo)

Our female Aussie is 12 years old and I've noticed some urinary leakage on her pillow and some small spots on our carpet. She still urinates outside 3 - 4 times a day. Could this be a sign of age or something more serious?

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have it checked
by: Anonymous

she could have a urinary tract infection, my little guy gets that now and then, and leaves little drops here and there (on us even) or will actually have accidents in the house. I'd take her to the vet to rule that out, and they can help better to determine whats going on.

Have it checked for sure
by: Kathy

If your girl is spayed, this could be hormone related - a shortage of female hormones can cause leakage in spayed females over time. My Aussie has this, and it's easily and inexpensively treated.

try this
by: Anonymous

if it is a urinary tract infection, (even if your not sure, and want to do preventive), they sell a tinture (drops) called tract Ease, and you give him that a few times a day for about a week, and it should clear it up. that's what I do with mine. I buy mine through an on online, natural health store, I believe the name is: Only Natural Pet Store.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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