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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

A Very Special Gift to Keep Us Going!!!

by Jody

Job... A gift from above

Job... A gift from above

It had been a long and awful 2009. I had lost my job after almost 25 years of teaching in a catholic school and no prospects of a job, thus, losing all my benefits and home. On top of that, my strong and loving mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and put in a nursing home the day after her sister's funeral. I ended up moving back home to live with my father while trying to sell my home. It wasn't an easy winter from 2009-2010 but I was able to get a job subbing at the nearby school and starting feeling better about myself, but something was missing.

On February 16, 2010 while watching the Winter Olympics, the door opened and in ran this adorable dog and placed his paws on my legs and his head on my lap. My heart began beating with joy again at the love that shone through that precious face. Dad's friends had found him shivering and froze during blizzard conditions. He had been abandoned and no one had any clue to whom he belonged. Dad slowly fell in love with him and decided we needed a dog to keep us occupied... AND in the house.

After a couple days, we gave him the name of Job after the prophet since he was so patient with us as we adjusted to each other. Job (or Jobe) has been a gift from above. He gave Dad a purpose to get up each day and me... someone to love and spoil.

He is so gentle and loving and was loved by the residents of the nursing home as he would sit and let them pat him as long as they needed or until he decided it was 'potty time'. He and my mother were ice cream buddies. I would bring her a small strawberry sundae and he would get a small vanilla soft serve cone and they would just eat and enjoy each other's company... about twice a month.

Sadly, this summer, my mother died after her two-year battle with Alzheimer's. Job sensed her departure and kept very close to Dad's side, giving him comfort and extra love... and still does to this day. Job rides with me to the cemetery and sits besides Mom's grave, sighs at her picture on the headstone and 'cries'. I think he misses his favorite ice cream buddy as much as I miss Mom.

Yes, he is a gift that came from above and now, has an angel who is watching over him... making sure her buddy gets spoiled!!!

Comments for A Very Special Gift to Keep Us Going!!!

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thank you
by: Anonymous

thank you for your transparency and sharing your story with us. I'm sorry you had such a hard time during those years, but God is faithful, and He put you with your dad, as He knew your mom would soon be joining him, and he sent you both a friend for you to care for, as well as for him to take care of you. Continue in your walk and faith, and always remember you never walk alone; and Gods creatures are here to remind us of His love and grace to us.

Smart Dog
by: Jani

What a wonderful story. It's amazing how they seem to know how to comfort someone in their time of need. Best of luck to you and your father.

by: Lisa

A beautiful story and very touching. Job is a definite gift from God. And what you needed to uplift your heart.

A Very Special Gift
by: Colin

This story should be a hallmark movie. Seriously!! A beautiful gift from God. :)

A very Special gift
by: Anne

Wonderful, Wonderful story. He was sent from God.
All I can say is just enjoy him.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

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