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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Adding A Third Aussie

by Ryan
(Nashville, TN)

Hi, I have two Australian Shepherd males ages 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 years old. They are both brothers from the same parents but different litters. This coming spring their parents are going to have one last litter and I'm debating getting them a little sister. I have really liked their temperaments so the idea of getting another dog from the same bloodline is ideal.

Will the dynamic of young males with a female puppy work out? Both of my dogs do great around other dogs and aren't that aggressive. I'm just wondering how much things might change. Going from one to two dogs wasn't that hard and they get along great.

What issues do you think might come up from adding another dog to the mix and one that is the opposite sex from the other two.


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Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Adding A Third Aussie

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Three or more
by: Anonymous

Twos company, three's a pack. Haha but if you have the time all should be fine. Opposite sex usually get along fine. Its been my experience that same sex get into arguments more often when living in three or more household, but since your males get along already its worth a go. The only thing that could happen is one male may now try to dominate the new pack member but as we know a female will let a male know if he gets too pushy :D. The other male may challenge his brother for alpha. Its all manageable just be aware. One big happy family.

Adding a female
by: Anonymous

I added a female puppy to my two males and my older male was a wonderful puppy sitter! The work is caring for 3 dog's....If one needs a bath, odds are they all do!

Adding a third Aussie
by: Tom

The only problem I see that could arise is if and when she comes in heat unless you have her spayed. Outside of that they will get along great. I have 3, a blue tri female, a blue mini female, and a red male full size. They enjoy each other. Enjoy!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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