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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Adult Australian Shepherd Doesn't Like New Aussie

by Jaymie

Charlie is a DM stray, neutered male. He's 5-6 years old. He has always gotten along with the other dogs, bigger and smaller than he. Piper is my 8 month old female Aussie. She is the sweetest thing and just fell in love with Charlie immediately I guess cause he looked like what she was used to. But Charlie just does not like her.

I've had Piper for about 6 months now and not much progress. He has snapped at her a handful of times but it was when she deserved it for getting up in his face. He snarls and grumbles and curls his lip when she gets near. She is completely submissive to him.

Is this just something we will just have to live with? We have figured out he is not going to hurt her but she would love nothing more than to play with him. Every so often he will run with her in the yard but that's it.

Comments for Adult Australian Shepherd Doesn't Like New Aussie

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There is hope...
by: Anonymous

We have a 15 month old Aussie, got her at 9 weeks and our adult 8 y.o. Retriever mix did not like her. We worked with a behaviorist/trainer and she said the biggest thing we needed was time. Bella, retriever mix, is slow to warm up, she needed time to warm up. Willow, the Aussie, needed grow up! It took 10 months for them to have a working relationship. They have learned to parallel play in the yard, they are only out supervised together. They can be loose in the house together now. Bella has discovered her growl, she never growled before she went straight to attack. I can walk all three of our dogs together now with no issues, they can ride in the car without a separator now, they all eat in the kitchen together. Willow had to learn that Bella wasn't going to be a wrestle and play pal but she still needed to respect her space and vice versa.

I did a lot of training the two of them together so they would learn to take turns. It was a stressful few months, but it gradually got better and now there is zero stress that is dog related in the house!

by: Anonymous

Thanks for the comment. I haven't had as much trouble as you it sounds like. I haven't had to separate anyone. Charlie, the older Aussie, constantly grumbles at Piper, the 8 month old. It's not really a growl. It sounds like a grumble. Anyway, we have figured out he is not going to hurt her so we relaxed on that point. Charlie's best buddy died a few years ago and we thought he would love to have a puppy to play with since the third dog in my picture, Biscuit, is just plain lazy.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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