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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aggression In Puppies

by Courtney
(Upper Michigan)

Our 12 week Aussie gets almost angry with our 14 year old daughter. She barks at her non stop while she is in on of these "moods." The puppy bites her hands terribly if she can get them. She can't be calmed down. We purchased "Paisley" for our daughter because there is an agility program she wants to use her for as well as possibly certified pet therapy. It seems she is intimidating my daughter. What is this and what can we do?

Comments for Aggression In Puppies

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

My suggestion is to have your daughter do all the feeding, training, etc. with the pup. Have your daughter sit on the floor and hand feed the pup-- yes, that is feeding the pup directly from her hand. That way the pup knows that your daughter is where the food comes from and she will learn to respect her. Pups can get a little rambunctious and willful at this stage. You want to get her into a positive reinforcement puppy class ASAP with your daughter as her handler. If things shouldn't work out the way you planned, don't be afraid to contact the breeder. Any good breeder will want to help you achieve your goals with your pup. Good luck! You can contact me personally at if you have specific questions.

by: Anonymous

It is text book what your aussie is doing... she needs to be put in her place. You need to be the alpha, not your Aussie. When she exhibits this behavior she needs to be punished and punished hard - just like a mother dog would do to her puppies.

by: Anonymous

My aussie started training at 12 weeks and has only stopped for a few months and hes is 2 years old now. Aussies need simulation and training is the best way to give it. My aussie was like yours nipping and just in general being naughty. He was enrolled in puppy class then intermediate, from there we are doing agility. Without the correct stimulation they can get neurotic and become a danger not only to you and your daughter but themselves.
Tricks are great stimulation and using a clicker and shaping tricks will help with your aussie starting to think for herself. My favorite is training to have your dog stand all four paws on a bowl or in it. Just random tricks will create a bond between the dog and you/daughter.
Aussies are sensitive dogs for both your actions and how they will react. One wrong action in disciplining can harm the relationship forever. Always find why they are acting poorly before becoming forceful (most times aussies dont need force to understand they are being naughty).

I hope this helps, like I said my aussie was naughty until regular training in the formal setting, training tricks, agility and and the most important AGE calmed him down.

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