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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aggressive Australian Shepherd Pup

by Virginia

We just got a beautiful 15 week old male on the 19th. The first few days of settling in were great and he's such a joy to hide Beal and play with.

The problem is now it's that he's starting to show signs like he's aggressive. He's come up behind my two year old twice now grabbing her hair up while snarling and once went after her face as she sat on the floor playing.

Haven't drawn blood but she's starting to call him puppy mad and is getting a little afraid of him.

He also launched himself at my 14 year old son for simply walking over and picking up a pair of shoes before my pup could get to them.

Is this actual aggression or am I getting worried over something that could be fixed with some training? Need some advice so I can make this home happy and safe for both my pup and my kids.

Comments for Aggressive Australian Shepherd Pup

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Stick w it!
by: Anonymous

Oh my, sounds like this is your first Aussie!
This is how many of them are as pups, this is not aggression. They are a breed that herd & protect mostly people...use to be sheep. They would nip at their legs to put them in place and lunge at wolves, coyotes to protect. It’s all so n their DNA...they’re not for everyone...they’re great dogs and have had them for a very long time. Yes they are a handful when young but great dogs!

Giving it a good go
by: Virginia

He is indeed my very first, took him today to a trainer and they said much the same. So we are setting up training for him and me and some puppy play dates for better socialization. I thank you so very much for your support it makes me feel much more confident going forward and I will work much harder to be a better more understanding owner. Thank you. 😊

My first
by: MP

We are soon to have a puppy, we already have a golden puppy... she is 5 months old but will be 7 months old when we get our Austrailian Shepard, Any suggestions? The new one will also be a female and only 8 weeks old when we pick her up, MP

You won’t be sorry 😐
by: Catherine

Great Virginia! So happy for you and your pup... don’t be surprised if you end up w 4 like us!

Warmest Regards,
Daisy, Strider, Bella & Scout :)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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