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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aggressive Biting Aussie

by Teato
(The Emerald City)

A year ago, when he was 2, my Australian Shepard started being openly aggressive with people and other dogs. He bit a child on the arm when it ran toward him to get a ball it had dropped. He also charged his kennel wall when strangers or other dogs would walk by while we were camping (SCA event, lots of people).

We had basic obedience already, so I worked with an intensive trainer for 6 months. He calmed down, graduated as a star pupil from the formal training, and I was relieved. He herds chickens in my huge fenced backyard, goes for walks multiple times per day to school and the park, and is working on a home made agility course.

But now the wheel is rolling. 7 days ago, my 14 year old Pom lost an eye due to a puncture and my vet said it looked like a bite. It is assumed that the Aussie did it. 4 days ago he attacked my large cat because as it walked past him in the front room, no puncture wounds. Yesterday he attacked my mother’s smaller dog and my Keeshond but left no open wounds. The Keeshond limped for half the day. This morning he grabbed my 15 year old Pom because she walked by him in the living room. It was all I could do to stop my father from bashing his head in right then.

I grew up on a farm where a biting dog was a dead dog, but I can’t put him down until know that there is nothing else I can do. I know there has to be something I have missed. Is there any hope?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Aggressive Biting Aussie

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Biting Aussie
by: Nonnie

Get a check up for her. Maybe there is some issue with her sight or hearing ... has something happened to here or changed?

Please don't put her down. Find someone to take her who has no other dogs, etc, but have her checked out first.

Please keep us up to date.

Aggressive biting dog
by: Anne

Wow! If you want to keep him, which I do not suggest, it will be a long hard road. 1st it sounds like your aussies does not want his space invaded, dominance.
What do you do to correct this behavior when it happens?
Is your aussie neutered? If not that is the 1st thing you need to do.
If you want to discuss this further, please e-mail me, as this is a long process.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

10-week-old Aussie
by: Anonymous

We just purchased a 10-week-old Aussie and have already noticed she thinks she is in charge in every situation. She ants to all us on th lash, bites at our calves as we all and telling her no and giving her a toy is not working. We are trying to crate train her to no avail. She will walk in and out of it during the day and as soon as we shut the door it starts. She whimpers, howls, bites the cage, claws at the metal and won’t settle.

We gave her plenty of chew toys and rewards during the day when she goes potty. She is run multiple times a day and walked. We are at a loss.

by: Anonymous

When you Google "Emerald City Australian Shepherd". This comes up. I just want to be clear that Emerald City did not produce this dog. Not sure which breeder he came from but it wasn't Emerald City.

Note from Anton: In this case "The Emerald City" refers to the location of the author, Teato. "The Emerald City" is a nickname for Seattle and is not a reference to the breeder.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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