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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aggressiveness In Six Month Old Australian Shepherd

by Sharon Lovitt
(Monmouth, Illinois)

We have a 6 month old Aussie. Sometimes when we take her outside she starts acting possessed. She jumps, bites often drawing blood, growls and barks. Nothing seems to trigger this.

We have tried everything know of to stop this but nothing seems to work. We need help desperately. I am 71 and my husband is 65. We can't have this behavior.

Help? At obedience class she was a perfect dog!

Comments for Aggressiveness In Six Month Old Australian Shepherd

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Aggressive puppy?
by: Anonymous

I don't think what you are seeing is aggression so much as puppy playfulness. My Aussie had a very annoying habit of jumping at the leash, snapping and growling, but that is just puppy shenanigans and they do grow out of it. Aussies are very energetic as puppies. I am 68, so I can sympathize! I am able to let my dog loose to run in a large open field, which is a lifesaver. If you can, say if you have a fenced area, play ball or chase games before you take him for a walk, to tire him out a bit. And, keep up the training courses, that can help a lot as well.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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