by Dave and Molly
(Haines, Alaska. USA)
We got our much loved Aussie just about 2 months ago and already can't imagine him ever not being here! We sorta stumbled into our Australian Sheppard by accident, not really knowing very much about the breed. He will be 2 years old in November and he was a rescue from a neighboring town here in southeast Alaska. He is so much fun, so smart, and has a real sense of humor too! We have been spoiling him quite a bit with lots of toys and hours and hours of our time going everywhere, the beach, hikes, out fishing in the boat, you name it he goes with us. We had to kennel him at a dog care facility in Juneau for 8 painfully long days a while back because we had to travel and could not bring him. I was worried that he would have felt abandoned and not be happy to see us but oh my, I could not have been more wrong! When we went to pick him up, once he saw it was us he just about knocked us over! His imaginary tail was wagging so hard and he just cried and cried to see us.. The first thing we did was take him to a lake where he could do his favorite thing, swim!
Anyway, bottom line we are quite certain he will be with us for the rest of his life and we hope we can fulfill his needs as he is a very loving, intelligent dog that needs quite a bit of our attention. Fortunately my wife and I are both retired, live out of town and are very active so we will get out with him every day doing something, maybe in the snow, maybe in the water, or traveling etc. We are a bit overwhelmed with learning all we can about training this wonderful breed so it was great to find this site!
Comments for Aikau, Aussie of the North!
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