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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Jennifer
(Hiram, Maine)



Althea is a three year old black tri. I got her as a baby and she has been so easy, even as a puppy.

She rarely barks and when left alone, she quietly waits for my return.
I take her for long walks almost every day, weather permitting. She is a superb soccer player.

She plays with my grandchildren and she knows how to score a goal! She is a fantastic dog and a kind a loyal companion.

If a stranger comes to the door she will bark to let me know someone's there.

I keep my house fairly cool in the winter, so she serves me as a warm blanket while sitting on my couch and watching tv. I dare say, she is smarter then most people.

I call her Alee for short.

She visits the vet once a year and I keep a pretty good record of her rabies vaccine and other meds such as heartworm and Frontline.

My only concern is that when I exercise her, she trembles and shakes, especially in her back legs. I've brought this to the attention of my vet and he thinks that she gets overly excited and there's nothing to worry about.

If you have any ideas, please let me know.


Comments for Althea

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Shakey hind legs
by: Tod

My Aussie is 4 and has epilepsy. We are still working to stabilize it with the proper meds - currently on Keppra. We do agility now and that occasionally precipitates some shakey hind legs but it appears to be completely unrelated to the seizures. So far I have seen it only following exercise. Otherwise she is unquestionably the best dog I have ever had - loving, calm, quiet, patient, fun.

As far as the shakey hind legs go, frankly I often see teenage boys with the same affliction.

Shakey leg blue merle
by: Amy

Our 10 year old pure bred blue merle has had the back leg quiver since a very young age (maybe 1 or 2). He's perfectly healthy and happy except for some juvenile cataracts. It only affects his back legs and can happen while standing, lying down, sleeping or eating. Typically when he's excited (sees another dog or we're heading out for walk) or nervous (at vet) it's most prominant. But it generally happens almost every day at one point or another. He seems unaware and unaffected by it.

I don't think it's anything serious or warranting medical intervention unless you notice any other symptoms.

My experience shaking leg
by: Anonymous

Back in 1987 or so, I bought a beautiful black tri female australian shepherd named Lacey. I noticed her front legs would occasionally shake. I not knowing her history passed it off as an injury. (pre-internet so hard to research) I bred her and some of her puppies had the quiver too. I decided I better not breed her again. I had to move and so my friend from work who had bought one of the puppies offered to take the mother, Lacey, too. Later both the mother and daughter had seizures. I believe that the leg shaking is an early sign of canine epilepsy that according to an article I read is prevalent in australian shepherd breed. However, I only have my limited experience to base this on.

by: JetsMom

My Aussie, Jet is also a Black Tri with shaky back legs! Our vet tested him for Addison's disease and concluded that he is just a shaker. Canine massage is now our course of treatment. After long exercise and a nap I work on his legs. I'm sure there is a certified canine massage therapist in your area that would teach you the best method. But, watch a YouTube video to get started. I took a Saturday class at a massage school, too. Canine anatomy is magnificent.
We are so lucky to have smart and cuddling wigglers. We wish you the best.

Aussie with shaking legs
by: Marsha

My purebred Blue Merle Aussie is about 3 now and he has always had shaking hind legs when he is exercised or excited. I'm glad it seems to be a commonality with other Aussies! He loves to run and play with the soccer ball or play with other dogs. But we can tell when he is well exercised because his hind legs will shake!

Althea's Shaking Legs
by: Beth J

My Jazz will when excited have a bit of shaking legs in the back legs, but her's aren't the worst I know of! I have a friend who has 3 Aussies & one of her dogs has a few issues we have been working on together & his back legs will shake for all kinds of reasons: Excited, unsure as he really isn't scared of what is going on due to he is usually curious, but his social skills were lacking, so he isn't sure what to do at times. I took care of him a couple of days & he would eat, with legs shaking just because I was there NOT MOM!!!

So rest assured it does appear to be a breed thing as long as there is no pain or problem otherwise. I know with my friends dog & while he has the shakes going on I talk to him, reassure him & have also told him to stop shaking - funny it works! Many of us know our dogs like our kids, so as long as you see the same pattern & it is no problem fine, just if it is out of the ordinary check it out.

Continue to enjoy Althea! Jazz is a lap dog also & they are nice for a medium-large dog. Althea being 3 has just about settled into her mature self as the breed typically takes longer than others to mature. Hope this helps.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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