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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Amazing 2

by Danielle Law

My girls Hailey (left) and  Bettie (right)

My girls Hailey (left) and Bettie (right)

The girls are a new part to our family. It was just me and my fiance. Till two years ago we got a bunny and them got four more since mt female lost here litter. We love out bunnys so much but we noticed that the bunnys loved to play with our partents dogs so when we bought our house this year we did some looking and I could'nt turn down the Mini Aussie face they are too cute.

So when we found a breader in MN we went to look at the pups. We new we wanted a female. So when we got there we saw the two girls they had left and my fiance said we have to get both and I said okay or course they were just so cute. The thing about these girls is they love the bunnys. They grew up on a farm with horses, cats, big dogs, and all kinds of other animals so I knew they would love the bunnys.

I can't believe how smart they are they have the potty training thing down great now and can even roll over. They are a blast I could'nt ask for better dogs I am so glad we found them and decided to get both girls.

Danielle, Shawn,
Hailey Bailey, Bettie Boop
Patches, Peanut, Plop, Puddin, Pancake

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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