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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Anxiety In The Car

Our Tri Mini is extremely anxious in the car and motorhome. Tried crate, volarian root etc. Have used vet drugs. She still Pants drools whenever the car is moving. We even worked with a trainer. Is there any suggestions as we do travel in a RV.

PetCalm Formula for Anxious and Stressed Pets

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Dog riding in car/rv
by: Anne Calmes

What kind of crate is it? Had a dog like this and she rode in a wire crate in the car and drooled, threw up, etc. She went to a new home at 8 mths old. When she left she left in a wire crate bunged in the back of a truck with 2 other Aussies in their crates. When they got home after a six hour drive, which I warned her about her drooling, etc. Do you know she did not drool at all... don't know if maybe she was claustrophobic being in a crate and a car?
Hope this story helps you.

Anne C.

Gold Ring Kennel

by: HeidiSmith

Anxiety in the car? I think its bad.I want to share my experience about stress and over pressure.I'm a business minded, but the time come, my business was losses. I depress in a year, and until I found out that PureCalm at Brain Research Supplement is a brain
supplement that Native Remedies claims to promote a calm mood in minutes. I try to take some and I'm not wrong to take it cause it's really works for me .Now the business i lost is now a successful company.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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