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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Any Puppy Tips or Reassurance for New Australian Shepherd Mix Owner?

I just got an Australian Shepherd mix puppy though he looks (and maybe acts) like mostly Aussie. He's often a very good boy but his endless energy has been making me feel very overwhelmed.

Does it get easier once you can take them on walks and as they get older? I'm planning on working with a dog traineronce a week and also taking him to puppy socializationclasses another night of the week.

Right now I sort of feel like my head is underwater unless he's in his crate(which he is very good in), or the rare moments that he's just hanging with me and being mellow. We play for between 4-6 hours every day and he still seems to go wild and chewon everything in the house.

Any advice or reassurance is welcome. There have definitely been moments in the past few days where I have regretted my decision but I'm trying to stay optimistic. Hope to hear from folks!


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Keep your head up!
by: Anonymous

Aussies are bundles of energy. I walk my 4-month-old puppy for 30 mins twice/day at 9 am and 1 pm, then play fetch at the baseball field for 1 hour at 5 pm EVERY DAY, no excuses. The vet approved this schedule. Keep a strict routine. Fill 3 large Kongs with wet kibble and put them in the freezer overnight, that'll keep your puppy busy in between exercise. Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise and you should always be working on a new trick. Incorporate short training sessions in between playtime. Most importantly, always be nice to your puppy! Aussies want to please you, they just need to know house rules first. Happy puppy = happy owner!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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