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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Anyone Else's Australian Shepherd Have Seizures After Taking Adequan?

by Kay
(Appleton, Wi)

My 14-year-old Aussie had severe arthritis. My vet gave me a few different options. I chose the injectable series of Adequan. She seemed to get worse after this. Less alert and hardly able to walk. After the 6th shot she had 5 seizures in a 24 hour period.

Her recovery was not good from the seizures and we had her euthanized. It makes me sick to my stomach that I possibly caused this by the decision of using Adequan.

She also had early stages of kidney disease.

Just wanted to know if anyone else had this happen. My heart is broken and the guilt is hard to deal with.

Comments for Anyone Else's Australian Shepherd Have Seizures After Taking Adequan?

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Seizures and adaquan
by: Anonymous

My Border Collie has been on Adequan for a couple years. Never a problem. Last month we gave him his monthly injection and he had a series of focal seizures one after the other. All tests came back clean and none since. This month gave him it again and a few hours later had another series. He always comes back like nothing happened but now I wonder if that's the common denominator.

Adequan and Seizures
by: Anonymous

This just happened to my 11 year old Labrador/Shepard mix. This is the second seizure after Adequan and the vet did not even consider whether it would give her another seizure. Same exact problem, except she recovered ok this time. We're stopping all of it.

Pitbull has seizures since starting her on Adequan
by: Anonymous

We started or sweet pitbull on Adequan 5 months ago after veterinarian said she's in tremendous pain from swollen joints in hips and legs. She's had 6 seizures since June 2023 and today I decided to research this medication to see if any side effects mentioned seizures. They do not. So I dug deeper and found these post on here and others who have commented about their dogs experiencing seizures after taking Adequan.

I will be contacting our veterinarian today as my eyes have been open to the extreme possibility that this medication is the source of her seizures.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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