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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Anyone Found A Durable Frisbee?

Like a lemming, I keep making my weekly Frisbee order to Amazon. Not only can't I find one that will withstand my Aussie's teeth, actually fly, and not not cause his gums to bleed, there are so many conflicting statements from owners that I feel kind of stupid adding $20 to his "toy budget" every month.

Has anyone really found a good Frisbee? Oliver would appreciate it.

Comments for Anyone Found A Durable Frisbee?

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by: Tom

We use a Fabric Frisbee and it has lasted a number of years... look up Fabric Frisbee online. We did get our at one of our Per Stores.

Hyperflite Jawz Frisbee
by: Jean and Tucker

I found a great frisbee that my Aussie has not been able to chew through. My only complaint about it is that it doesn't float! If anyone knows of a frisbee they can not chew through AND floats, let me know!

Hyperflite Jawz Disc

fabric frisbee
by: jcrply

I use the fabric discs - frisbees made of cloth. These are made of durable material and are easy on the mouth. It might be worth a try. Maybe your dog won't want to chew on the fabric ones. If he does chew it, it will still fly even with part of the center chewed out and it won't hurt his mouth. My dog likes to grab and shake this kind and after a couple of years part of the center gets torn. Works for us.

by: Nancy

Actually Kong makes a Frisbee that neither of our Aussies can destroy. It's very durable. A bit expensive but lasts. We have had ours for over a year now.

by: Anonymous

Kong makes a great Frisbee.

Another one for Kong
by: Rob

We bought a Kong frisbee and it's holding up fine - just don't play tug with it and make sure she comes back with it after each throw - otherwise it'll be used as a chew toy!

by: Gayle--Big Run Aussies

I use the nylon "floppy disc" type frisbees that last for years. They hold up in the cold and do not hurt the dog's mouth. Skyhoundz sells a soft frisbee called "soflite" that holds up really well and is also easy on the mouth. You can order misprint discs for cheap at
Hero disc also sells misprints cheap--less than $3 and less for the more you order. You can do a search to find their website. Have fun!

by: Gayle--Big Run Aussies

One more thing, make sure you pick them up when you are done playing, so your dog does not chew on the discs.

by: Tom

Get someone to make it out of Kevlar.... that one won't get destroyed... we don't have a Frisbee made of it but a toy and it has out lasted 6 Dogs so far

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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