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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Anyone Have The Problem Of Their Dog Eating From Other Dogs' Bowls?

by Wilda

My boy Cooper is 7 months now, and he has taken to wanting to eat from the other dogs bowls, even though his bowl is full and its all the same food. He will even wait, until the oldest dog has eaten, and go and lick her bowl. I went as far as to switch the bowls to see if it was a "BOWL" issue, but it was to no avail. The other day he went a day an half without eating, which worried me; he finally ate, but still. Does anyone else have this issue with their dog? What can I do?

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by: Nonnie

We have two Aussies - Bailee and Maggie. They are 21 months old. Maggie is a little food hound. She will clean her bowl and lick it until there could not even be any "flavor waves" left. Then as soon as Bailee moves away from her bowl, Maggie moves in. If Bailee has any food left, I rush in to take it, but if I forget or even if it is all gone, Maggie will again lick it clean.

I usually just stand around for the few minutes it takes for Bailee to eat and then Maggie has nothing to get into.

Good Luck!

P.S Your Cooper looks a lot like our Maggie, toy, black tri.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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