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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Are Aussies Really The Best Dog For Me?

by Juliana

We have been considering adding another dog to our family for over a year now and we have settled on an Aussie, but before we make the big leap I want to ask a few questions.

Some places I read that Aussies are eager to please and easy to train. Other places I read that they try to be dominant and you have to be firm. Which one is it?

Second, I want a dog that will let me know when something is wrong. I like that they are protective, but I live in a neighborhood with an HOA. I also live near the mailbox. People walk by my house often! Our dog now spends most evenings inside but when she is outside she does give a few lazy barks to let them know she is there, but doesn't go crazy. (It did take some training with a water bottle to get her to this point.) Is living by the mailbox with an Aussie asking for trouble?

Last question, we have 6 kids. Are Aussies good with everyone in the family or do they choose one person?

Questions About Your Aussie?
Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Are Aussies Really The Best Dog For Me?

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by: Anonymous

Without training an aussie would probably bark a lot at people coming to mail box but may stop after getting used to them.
I'm more concerned about an aussie with you children. How old are the children? Aussies will try to herd them and often nip while herding. This will probably happen a lot if your kids are active and running around a lot.

by: Jessie

My 1 year old Aussie is great with both my Children ages 4 and a half and 8. She can be stubburn but she is very eager to please. With my experience with Aussies they are high energied and do well with being properly trained. They mostly require an active home otherwise become quite destrustive when bored (my bed covers can testify to that lol). With myself an my Aussie we have a really deep bond, she is always by my side. Same with my children. It really comes down to researching if the breed is right for you and your family. I have two Pit Bulls and when i got Miss Chloe it was a real learning experience. But it turned out that she was very easy to train and the best choice I ever made. They are truly a very inteligent, gentle, loving and smart breed. Good Luck chosing your next fur-child!

All that and more.
by: Rob

Aussies are easy to train and will dominate if you let them. Bond with them and they will try to please while testing the occasional boundaries.

They are loyal to a fault.

Make sure you are the pack leader. Always go through doors first, eat first, play when you say so, control when and how they get on the couch etc. if you waiver they will dominate.

Exercise their bodies and minds.

The Aussie shop book will help.

An Aussie will enrich your life and improve your fitness. lol

Oh and they shed fur twice a year, for the first six months and the second six months of the year.

6 kids is to much for a aussie.
by: Anonymous

Aussies, often refered to as Velcro dogs are prone to attach themselves to one person, and follow that person all over. with kids and kids friends that is just overload for a aussie.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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