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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Attachment Issues

My 6 month old red tri male Aussie seems to be having attachment issues. I got him at 16 weeks. When I got him he was so terrified and not very well socialized. I spent a lot of time with him trying to comfort him in the beginning because he was so scared. As a result of nurturing his insecure state of mind as I did he now is so attached to me and no one else. This is not just your run of the mill bonding. I mean he will not EVER let me out of his sight and is constantly tripping me when I walk so he can be as close to me as possible. I can't even look at him without him trembling with excitement. When I try to pet him he cannot calm down enough for me to be able to. He will not pay any attention to anyone but me. He gets plenty of exercise bringing in cattle with cattle and running around the farm on a daily basis with my other Aussie. I can't teach him anything because he is too concerned about me constantly. Don't get me wrong I love that he is a loyal dog but this is extreme. Is there someway to make him more independent?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Attachment Issues

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by: Anonymous

Have you tried a training class, obedience class? It will be interesting to see what others suggest.

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

At 6 months, pups can go through issues relating to attachment. This is a major reason most of us have Aussies is because they are so attached to their people. That is why they are sometimes referred to as "velcro dogs".

It would be good if you could get him out to meet other people and make it a positive experience through treats -- and not just any treat, but real meat, cheese, etc. Something really good. Try to get other people to feed him the treats. If he refuses that at first, give him the treats yourself when he sees something new. Make it a truly upbeat experience for him, but don't force anything. he might even refuse the treat from you, but make sure you give him lots of praise when he is brave. Let him make up on his own. He should come around if you take the time with him.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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