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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie A Right Choice To Me?

by Camila
(Santiago, Chile)

First of all sorry for my English, I am from Chile and speak Spanish.

I would like to know if an Aussie would be a good dog for me. I have already read about this type of dogs, and seems that it would be perfect. Let me tell you guys a little bit about myself.

I go to school daily but next year I will join University. I am a real sportish eighteen child/women who enjoys long trekkings, mountain bike, excersising myself every single day, etc.

I train my dog in possitive, using a clicker and game motivation as price.

I own a Border Collie (14 months), she's amazing and I love her (the first dog I have owned), but I feel like I need another dog, with a different personality. My Border Collie couldn't be more happy, I take her to run to the hill at least three times a week for one or two hours (sometimes 5-8 hours trekking), take her to run with the bike 45 minutes a day (if not going to the hill), practice obedience daily and also we do Canicross.

Even my BC is an energy machine that could work 24 hours without sleeping, nervouse as hell and hyperactive, right now she's sleeping next to me after a one hour bike run and 30 minutes of play in the park.

I own two other dogs, both of them are small sized, all of them female in which one of those is like the alpha female since she's my parentes' dog (who rule the house).

I have around 12 hens, my BC really likes to chase them off (since I haven't teach her how the right way to do it).

Well going to my question; would an Aussie be a right dog for me?

I am a really relaxed person who lacks of dominant (authoritary) behavior (I am somehow neutral, I believe in equal relationship rather than "dominating" someone else) but still I set the rules up and love discipline, order and respect.

I read in this web that Aussies tend to be dominant? Is that true? My BC is really submisive and has no problems with other dogs or people (I gave her a really good socialization, as I took her daily to a dog park during her puphood). Is this dominant behavior natural or can be solved with good training and perfect socialization?

Last thing (yes finally, sorry for taking your time guys ^^). What I dislike from my dog, the only thing I don't like is that she's too nice to everyone, she is all the opposite of the definition loyal and that is what I can't stand in a dog. She is capable of leaving me alone in a 6 hour trekking and go with an unknown group of people (she did that once, and I don't doubt she could do it again, even though I trained her to stay close, follow and come to the call), not even looking back to me and come back only when it's time to go home.

It hurts that my best friend after all what I have sacrificed, taught and risked for her, she just go with any person it crosses around, and I really WOULDN'T like to have another dog like that...

What I look in a dog is loyalty, good disposition to work, affectionate to the owner, sure of themselves and of course; energetic! (that's why I got a BC, but the personality wasn't what I really wanted it seems)

Comments for Aussie A Right Choice To Me?

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Is an Aussie right for me?
by: Anne

If you can live with a border collie, you most definetly can handle an aussie.
You seem to know what you want and did some research.
I think you will do just fine with an Aussie.
Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies

by: Camila

Thanks for the answer! And I am sorry I wrote the title of this topic wrong :S

So could you tell me more less how are Aussies' general personality and by your own experience?

How are they with other animals? Can I trust an Aussie if left unleashed? (of course with previous training, but will they be too friendly or will lack of concentration?)

I would like to learn a lot about them before taking a decision. I will not have one any time in this early future, but of course (and if I like the breed) when I get my independence from home.

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