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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Activity and Shedding

by Lisa_NL

I have read so much material on the Aussies that it can get rather overwhelming! I thought I would come here to pose my two general questions to actual Aussie owners.

I work 9-5 with an hour for lunch, which I go home everyday to grab a bite. I have read over and over that Aussies do not fair well when left alone for long periods; my question is how long is considered too long? I take lunch at 12 and would come home to take the dog out for a fetch session or something in the backyard before going back to work until 5. Is this too long? On evenings, we'd go for a walk and I'd like to get into Flyball on the weekends.

My other question is on shedding. Some resources I read state they are high level shedders and other sites claim they're medium. Which is more correct? I grew up with a German Shepherd cross so I am used to about medium shedding. I don't mind brushing about 3-5 times per week but I would like to know if it's so unmanageable that hair is even going to end up in the butter (as one source stated)! Thanks so much for any tips or insight you can share!

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Aussie Activity
by: Anonymous

Your work hours are pretty much the same as mine and both my Aussies are fine with it. They love their flyball too and we practice on Thursday evenings and Saturdays and Sundays (when there are no shows).

The only 'problem' is that they are very excited when I get home in the afternoon as they know it is then time to go to the park!

Shedding is a big problem though and I find dog hairs everywhere! The furminator helps but there are generally dust bunnies all over the house.

by: Anonymous

My Aussies shed seasonally -- heavy in the spring and light in the fall. Hair comes out in clumps, so it's not that bad. We live in the Chicago area, so it's cold.

I like to leave my girls frozen kongs stuffed with peanut butter when I am gone for a long period of time, or interactive toys such as a buster cube.

RE: minimizing shedding.
by: Anonymous

You've already heard they are definitely shedders--especially in spring and fall. A thorough brushing out--the FURminator is GREAT!--at least 3-5 times a week will be necessary to keep the furballs manageable. A good professional grooming at least every 3 months will also help decrease the hair that lands in the butter. There is also a product called LoShed that does help decrease the amount of shedding. (It's a spray on formula.) Remember that poor nutrition contributes to shedding (as does high levels of stress, illness, pregnancy and other health issues) so keeping him on a high-quality diet and paying close attention to his health is essential.

Best of luck.
Ranee, Ricky and Joker

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