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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie And Shih Tsu

by Crystal
(Stout, Ohio)

I have two questions, I have a 6 month old Aussie, Spirt Storm, and a 7 year old Shih Tsu, Danozo Gibbs McGee. At first, things were great between the dogs however now every toy they have they want what the other has even if its the same thing. I don't know how to get them to stop fighting over them.

One will have a ball the other wants so I give the exact same ball and sometimes a different one but it doesn't matter they will drop one and go after the other. They both do it to each other, HELP.

The other issue is how do we get the nipping, love bites, flea biting whatever you choose to call it to stop? My Aussie doesn't mean to hurt and we have tried everything but to no avail.

I'm open to any positive reinforcement that we can try and am open to all positive suggestions/ideas that may assist us while she is still so young.

They travel great together and play well its just the toy issue sometimes.

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2 Dogs and sharing
by: Anonymous

Our trainer said to let our pup and older dog work it out themselves. It was hard for us to keep out of it - there was a lot of barking from the older dog at first, and then she would just let the pup have the toy, but now, after living together for a year, the older dog defends her bones. There's some growling, but the younger dog seems to "listen" to his big sister and just walks away. I think they have worked it out. Of course, if there's bloodshed or danger of one dog getting hurt, it may be time to consult a trainer.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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