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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Being Clingy And Antisocial

by Alex
(Western Washington)

So, my dog Murphy is about 3 now, and the past few days he's been acting very strange. It seems like if he can't be right on top of me, he'll just go sit outside in the rain and pout. Up until recently he would sit or lay wherever we told him to, but now I'm sitting on the couch and he crawls up onto my chest and pants in my face. When I tell him to get down, he runs outside and sits alone.
Any help to get my my old, loveable Aussie back will be appreciated!

Comments for Aussie Being Clingy And Antisocial

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Trying to get your attention
by: Anonymous

Particularly because you indicate this is a sudden change in behavior, I would recommend a trip to your vet asap. When my dogs pester (getting on your lap and panting in your face), they want me to pay attention to something. Either they want something (potty, food or attention), or they aren't feeling well. It could be a response to pain. I hope all goes well for you and your Aussie.

My aussie is EXTEAMLY antisocial
by: Anonymous

His name is cody :) we have had him for about 3 years... we adopted him and thought he would be a GREAT family pet.. but sadly we discovered he was exteamly agressive with other dogs! and everyone that walks in my house! it has become a huge problem.. he almost atacked like 7 dogs.. i mean he LOVE my family but still.. can anyone help me? i have talked to experts but sadly no help

Aussie clings, antisocial too!
by: khazlegrove

I love my 14 week old puppy, but she's very dependent upon me. I stay at home, but I can't seem to get much done. Perhaps I have spoiled her with too much attention. My husband and I just installed an invisible fence. The dog is very intelligent, and understands how the system works. We purchased the fence so that she can run around, but she wants me outside playing with her all the time.

It takes her a long time to become acquainted with people, although she seems to love other dogs. I got her at age 6 weeks. Was she taken away from her litter too soon?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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