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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Help With Socialization And Anxiety

by Tammy

We got Ruby about a week and half ago. She's 15 months old. We were told when we got her that she was cautious of other dogs but not aggressive. We didn't think that would be a problem but we have discovered some things about Ruby that we weren't informed of and now the previous owners won't answer our questions.

Here's what we are struggling with. When you take Ruby for a walk and there are dogs in their fence which are barking, Ruby will start barking, pulling, and the hair on her back stands up and her tail is up. She does get hard to control. Once we get past the dogs she calms down. Another thing we have noticed is how she is around people (besides us), our son came home for a visit and Ruby barked and had some anxiety about him.

Now all that to ask this,... we believe she was never socialized and that's why she is fearful. We are kinda at our wits end as to what to do, we don't want a dog that people can't come over without worrying what Ruby will do. We don't want a dog that has to stay home and can't go places with us. So if anyone can share some tips and advice... please do. We are desperate.

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

15 months is a very difficult time in a dog's life. They can be suffering anxiety on their own and now she is thrown into a new situation which is causing her more anxiety.

Treats and positive reinforcement are the way to go with your girl. Let her know that you won't let anything happen to her. When walking past the dogs, give her treats--something really good. Let her know that you are in charge of the situation. Same thing with strangers-- always have them give her treats when they come in the door. Let her make up to strangers on her own. Don't let anyone overwhelm her by interacting with her until she makes up her mind that things are OK. Good luck with you girl!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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