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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Love, Just Some Doodles...

by C Fortier

A doodle...

A doodle...

I trained to be an Illustrator...but chose to be a vet tech..I figure I'd be broke either way, why not do what moves your heart?

Comments for Aussie Love, Just Some Doodles...

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by: Anonymous

OMG, I'm so sorry, I have not been back. I just saw your comments. Please contact me at Yes I do cards, and would LOVE to work with a rescue. Hit me up, we can brainstorm.

Thank you.

Cat Fortier.

great work!
by: mary beth

I'm looking for an aussie drawing to use on shirts to sell at an aussie rescue event this fall. Do you have a site?

Sooo Cute!
by: Laura

And again you have captured the essence of Aussie!

Yes yes and Thanks!
by: Cat

Aww thanks for the Kudos! Yes well kinda yes, I have sold some artwork in the past. I've done cards to order for folks (like the 3 aussies on the right) I only do "all rights" which essentially means It's my work to use to advertise or promote my work. Otherwise the purchaser owns the illustration. They get the original (or the best copy) They can do as they like with it, Family Christmas cards, Personalized Birthday cards, shirts, letterheads.... but no advertising without permission.


by: ruff's mom

great job capturing aussie personality

by: Michele

What cute artwork. I love these. Do you sell Cards?

by: Suzan

I really like these.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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