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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Pregnancy

by Ethan Wood
(Berryville, Arkansas)

How can we tell if our Miniature Aussie is pregnant. We have noticed her nipples are growing and we have her in a fenced in yard but that doesn't mean she hasn't been in contact with a male dog.

Comments for Aussie Pregnancy

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Aussie Pregnancy
by: Anonymous

Take her to the vet for starters. How old is she? Had you planned on breeding her for some reason? Isn't she old enough to be spayed?

Sorry to sound nasty. I spend the better part of every day trying to find homes for un-planned litters of un-wanted puppies and often the mother is thrown in with them. Not too bad if they are given to a rescue group but thousands are anbandoned or dumped at high kill shelters & forgotten. So sad to see so many puppies being born and not enough good homes on this earth to house them all with good people.
Please consider doing the right thing by your little girl and have her spayed. Better for her & better for you & the welfare of our animals. A fenced yard will NOT prevent the inevitable.

Thank you.

Aussie pregnancy
by: Anne Calmes


The other writer is correct. I also do Aussie rescue and there are a lot of puppies and young dogs we can not help because there are just too many. Bring your little girl to the vet. They can feel for puppies and if she is far enough along can do an ultrasound. Even closer to delivery,
the vet can x-ray her to get a rough estimate of how many puppies she may be carrying.

If for some reason she is a young dog and you feel you can not take care of her and her puppies, if she is pregnant... please contact the local Aussie rescue in your area.

If you need any more help or have questions please e-mail me.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies

by: Aussuskygirl

First, take her to the Vet! Then go online and find out if other people have had this problem and find a pic a pregnant mini aussie!
My friend's lab was pregnant and they weren't sure until she had the puppies.
Best Wishes,

Be helpful not preach full
by: Anonymous

First stop preaching to the woman about your ideals. No one cares. If someone wants to breed or just wants to have their dogs have puppies because they love them that much then back the hell off. So sick of people knocking on others for what they wish to do with their lives.
Second. The most obvious signs of pregnancy are larger teets and darkened as well. She may also lose hair around the mid section in preparation and will begin to find a place to nest.

by: Anonymous

Seriously.. you don’t go telling people not to have kids because their others up for adoption. If someone wants to breed their dog it’s their free will. I am also wondering what the first signs of a mini Aussie pregnancy looks like. My girl is growing in her rib area not the lower belly!

So Typically self absorbed
by: John

All these brave anonymous commenters spewing about mind your own business and back off. You are the type of self centered self absorbed my own personal freedom to do absolutely anything I want is more important than anything else in the world types that are what is wrong with America today. You are childish and incapable of seeing and believing in such a thing as a greater good. Your dogs deserve better. Enjoy the corn dogs, funnel cakes and PBR. The Neanderthals who crow the loudest about personal freedoms have invariably done the least to earn them, nothing to defend them and are the least deserving of them. Here’s some unsolicited advice. Your first thought should not be your last on any subject. I know thinking is hard. Give it a shot though. It gets easier.

Be Helpful, Not Opinionated...
by: Deanna June

Hello, I have read the other comments.

You didn't choose to be scolded for asking a simple question.

For those of you that force your good intentions while being hostile and rude, they probably know these things.

If you can't say anything nice, like answer the question and not just start telling someone what to do or what they should do. Just answer the simple question of "what are the signs of pregnancy in a dog?".

Perhaps they are going through a financial issue and can't at this time take the dog to the vet. That can happen you know. Not everyone can be flush with cash.

Now, with that being said. Can someone just answer the question?

Thank you. Deanna June.

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