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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Puppy Eyes

by Macit Merey
(Ankara / Turkiye)

Hi, I live in Ankara Turkiye (Turkey) and I am planning to get this puppy from a breeder. Her parents has been genetically tested and her health seems to be ok. (offspring of a black tricolor female and blue merle male)

Unfortunately the breeder is not close to me and I only have photos through emails.

In the first photo she is about 4 weeks old and both eyes are blue and there is some brown spots in her right eye.

The second and third photo was taken when she was around 6 weeks old. The right eye turned brownish.

In all pictures the left eye (blue one) has a smaller pupil than the other. The breeder says it is an optical illusion because in her darker eye she has a brown color ring around her pupil and that's why it looks bigger. The breeder will take her to an eye test next week. We will then understand if this is a only cosmetic problem or not. Even if cosmetic, I am not sure if this will bother me in the future.

My questions are;

* What do you think when looking at the pictures? Does this happen with Aussies?

* Can this be an optical illusion?

* Is there any chance that the left (blue) eye also turn to brown (or brownish) and if yes when does that happen?

* Any further advise is very welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Comments for Aussie Puppy Eyes

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Looks typical to me.
by: Dave and Molly

I have seen several Aussies with eyes part blue and brown. I would agree that it is entirely possible that the brown in this pup's eye could make the pupil look larger, especially in a photo. Our Aussie has all blue eyes but when he is indoors or in low light it is difficult to see the blue but outside in bright sunlight the blue stands out. As for changing eye color as your pup grows up, I don't know.

Different colour eyes
by: Anonymous

Its normal. Aussies can have any mix of eye colours as well as a mix of colours within each eye - its common in the breed. My pup was the same at 4weeks - 1 blue & one brown eye. as he has aged even his blue eye now has about 1/4 brown in it. It does make the pupils look a different size to each other they arent. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his eyesight - it is only cosmetic.

by: Macit Merey

Thank you all.

The breeder took her to the eye test yesterday and all is ok. Thanks for your comments.

Field Guide for all things aussie genetically speaking
by: Anonymous

Australian Shepherd Health & Genetics Institute

Good to hear!
by: Dave and Molly

"Thank you all.

The breeder took her to the eye test yesterday and all is ok. Thanks for your comments."

Enjoy your new darling pup! And treasure your times together as the years go by..

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