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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Teething

Does anyone know at what age the teething process ends for Aussies?

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by: Anonymous

umm, mime is a year old and still loves to chew on anything hard. not sure that he's teething anymore, as much as that he loves to keep busy,and or chew on things. I give him hard toys, and bones, etc.,he loves them, but when I'm not home, I can't leave him with a bone because he may get into an ugly fight with one of my other dogs, so I come home, and find he has chewed on furniture. I am not happy about this, and have sprayed it with "no chew" and it doesn't deter him for long. hope yours is better. I'm thinking he'll outgrow the need soon, I hope. best to you both

by: Anonymous

My puppy's ended fairly quick, I don't know about others, but my Aussies teething lasted until 7 months old

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Teething should end sometime before 6 months.

by: Anonymous

I rescued a dog recently. The rescue thought that he was 1 yr. old. He is a serious chewer and I can see that there are still a couple of teeth breaking the gums . I now have no clue as to his age. Any help would be appreciated. These would be adult teeth or the second ones.

Training ears down
by: BB

I have two male Aussies. Both ears are up. I'd like to train the 2 1/2 month old one for ears to go down. Any suggestions on how? I keep rubbing down and bending down but he isn't having any of it. I think they are cute down.

Aussie Teething
by: Anonymous

For BB and puppies with "prick" ears (ears that stand up) - Having ears stand up on a puppy - one or both - is fairly common. The ears usually lay down naturally as the puppy's head grows larger. As for teething, my Aussies have generally finished by 7 to 8 months (though some can have adult teeth by 6 months). Any chewing on furniture, however, that continues into the next year is not teething, but a dog that is bored and not learned limitations. Keep a furniture chewing dog away from the desired furniture, claim it as your's. Young dogs need to be taught limitations. Usually, as a dog gets older, and has less pent-up energy, furniture chewing begins to end. But who wants to wait that long while furniture is ruined?!

teething-chewing base boards
by: Jwatson

Our Maggie Mae is teething and chewing on our baseboards, any suggestions? Thank you

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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