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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie Won't Stop Whining!

by Baili

I have an 8 month old Australian Shepherd and for the life of me I cannot figure out why he won't stop whining. Him and I play fetch everyday and go on continuous long walks. I know he has a lot of energy because even after all the playing we do, he still wants to play in the house. I am fine with that, but he consistently whines if we are not playing. I have tried ignoring him, but that doesn't seem to help. I honestly cannot play with him 24/7. I feel that I give him at least 3-4 hours of my day devoted just to exercise. Any suggestions?

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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by: Nonnie

Teach him the meaning of "all done". We started when our Aussies were very young, but I think you will be able to do it with time. We use many hand signals with our Aussies to reinforce the commands.

They know bath, sit, down, stay or wait, all done, eat, not now, around, over, bring it, give it, drop it. They also know our names. When my daughter tells them to go to Momma, they do. They understand a lot of sentences (or specific words in the sentence). Such as: Go see Chelsea and get your collar on. Take the rope to Dad. Bring me your rope.

We make them keep their ropes inside, but sometimes one gets outside. Believe it or not, I can ask Bailee if her red rope is outside. She will look at me with her eyes wide. I then tell her "Go outside and get your red rope." She will, and way me to throw it.

Keep us updated on your progress!

by: jcrply

Here's what works well for me... a consistent play schedule. My pup is 9 months old. I'm sure she also would like to play all the time, but she has adjusted -not perfectly, but very well- to having certain times for play. Meals (6:30a.m., noon, 6:00 p.m.) are followed by rest periods of 1.5 hours since I don't want her exercising right after a meal. After the rest period we play in the yard and go for a walk. Then rest before the next meal. (In the evening in winter I take her out before not after dinner). She knows when it's getting close to her play time and she will sometimes whine then. But she has accepted that she only goes outside for playing or for a walk at the same three times a day. During the "rest periods" she either sleeps or wanders around in the house and lanai, wherever I (or the cats) happen to be.

Mine too!
by: Anonymous

My 2-year old Aussie does the same thing, its absolutely ear piercing and CONSTANT! He does it in the background of everything he is doing.

Me too!
by: R. Miller

I also have an australian shepherd that whines constantly - tried everything. Now I know what Chinese water torture must be like. However, we still lover her!

Mine Too!
by: Lisa

My Aussie is a whiner too! OMG...she kills me sometimes. I can be standing right next to her and she does that high pitched whining...she whines for no reason also. The best is at 4:30 in the morning....NOT!

by: Anonymous

I have an 9 month old Aussie, and he whines most when we haven't done enough mentally challenging things that day. I'd suggest harder tricks. We play hide and seek, and 'treasure hunt' which is finding a treat somewhere in the house. But I try to teach him a new trick each week. Not every trick is a winner, but it is still fun to see him try and work different things out.

Mine to
by: Anonymous

We had 2 Aussies prior to this,12 week old puppy, so you know I love them. They may have whined the first night even 2, but I can't ever remember them whining after..I have had this little guy for over 2 weeks I swear he even whimpers when he is a sleep. I wish it was just at 4 AM he let out that ear shattering whine, squeal, howl. He seems to take 15-30 minute nap and whinds up again. I just don't understand why he is whining. The grand kids were here thru the weekend, no way could I give him that much play and exercise and he still whined... Thank God he is so cute or I might be tempted to wring his neck. All jokes a side tonight I decided to change his food and see if that might help.

Same here
by: Anonymous

My blue Merle is the same way. It's ruining my relationship because my Aussie wakes us up through the night crying. It's especially tricky because sometimes she's crying because she has to use the bathroom. Most of the time though, she's crying to cry. She gets a ton of exercise, her smart little brain stays stimulated. I just don't know what to do. She's 3 now and has done it since 3 months.

Re post 12 week puppy whining.
by: Anonymous

Well now we are 4 months old. I moved him to the porch in a kennel. Not cold but cooler. I could still hear if he cried. The first night it seemed to help. I think maybe his undercoat was so thick it might have been to warm in the house or maybe he was use to kennel life. We went to the vet and also got a prescribed food as he was always scratching. What helped I'm just not sure. This little guy has a complete different personality than our past Aussies. He doesn't know a stranger. He is so hyper loves toys, loves to get things out of the waste basket and shred. He is a chewer, but finally learning to get chew toys and bones..Our shoes aren't left by the door, ha. Truth he is teaching the family to pick up better, ha. He is so smart. He catches onto commands so quick. When he gets in trouble he hangs his head so cute, it's really hard to be stern with him. Can't tell he has won our hearts. Have fun good luck all with whinny ones. They are a lot more fun when that stops.

Default whining
by: Anonymous

My mini Aussie is almost a year old, loves everyone, very excitable and active. Had to crate him at times so he would nap. I hate the whining, and I let him know it! I shush him when it's just mild whining then praise him when he stops. Doesn't work when he is really excited, or in the car! But we keep working on Quiet, maybe someday...! Good luck!

Blue Merle Whining
by: Midwest blue Merle

Our blue merle pup ( 5 1/2 months old), will whine at the house once in a while but when we are in the vehicle it is a different story. She will whine just about the whole time we are moving. She likes to sit between one of our other 2 dogs and the seat to get air from the windows. When she gets in between one of the other dogs and the seat she seems to be fine and doesn't whine.
Only problem with that, is the other 2 dogs don't care for it when she crawls on or over them to get between them and the seat, (which i guess Cynder (auss pup) feels safe sitting like that when by the windows).

So, we would like to find a way to stop the whining, as dealing with it in the vehicle, is a pain and not easy. We have tried a shirt of mine that she likes to lay on and different toys and asking her to stop doesn't seem to work. My wife has even brought her up to the front seat with the wife and it seemed like the whining was worse but that was probably because she was in the front and not in the back with the other dogs.

Blue Merle Whining
by: Midwest blue Merle

Our blue merle pup ( 5 1/2 months old), will whine at the house once in a while but when we are in the vehicle it is a different story. She will whine just about the whole time we are moving. She likes to sit between one of our other 2 dogs and the seat to get air from the windows. When she gets in between one of the other dogs and the seat she seems to be fine and doesn't whine.
Only problem with that, is the other 2 dogs don't care for it when she crawls on or over them to get between them and the seat, ( which i guess Cynder (auss pup) feels safe sitting like that when by the windows).

So, we would like to find a way to stop the whining, as dealing with it in the vehicle, is a pain and not easy. We have tried a shirt of mine that she likes to lay on and different toys and asking her to stop doesn't seem to work. My wife has even brought her up to the front seat with her and it seemed like the whining was worse but that was probably because she was in the front and not in the back with the other dogs.

Whining Aussie 3 yr. old
by: Dee59

We have a 3 yr. old Blue Merle boy Aussie that has been in training since 6 wk.s as a Full access service dog. We have two skilled trainers that trained us to train the dog. Whining was nipped in the bud at a young age. Say nothing, 1 squirt with water bottle, walk away. If he whines or barks, 1 squirt walk away, not until the 3rd time is the command (quiet) introduced. NOW out of the blue he has decided to bark sharp, snappy & high pitched when we park the truck to get out to Dr. appointments. Say quite it stops, we don't want him to do it at all. We walk daily, have a HUGE yard, have agility course in our back yard (for fun), and training 15 min's 4 x per day. For the rest of his life. Presently knows 125 commands and tricks. Aussies whine, we find he will whine when we run into people with various disabilities. Or as a warning as my husband suffer's from PTSD, Anxiety, yet he is also physically disabled. Look for what is causing the whining. If it's in the middle of the night to go pee, this needs to be corrected. Pee break before bed & when you get up in the am. Be strong. You might want to also use a clicker when they stop whining + high end reward (tiny mozzarella cheese). For us, we have to pay attention to the triggers and address accordingly, sticking to specific 1 word commands.

Whiney Aussie
by: Vin

My aussie started this crying from about 6 months till now hes about 3 yrs..super anxious no patients ..gets plenty of excercise and out door activity ..what is his problem

by: Anonymous

We've had Tito for almost 4 years now, and the whining has been consistent. (Me thinking he would eventually grow out of it). He occasionally gets groomed at Pet Smart and EVERY time I pick him up I can hear his whining from outside the store. Usually he is solo in this effort. I love my dog, but sometimes it is really overwhelming; especially when you're on a hike (well-prepared with food and water) and he's still at it! Oy. Maybe I'll try stimulating chew toys that he'll have to work for to get the treats during down time.

by: Anonymous

I recently adopted a now 6 months old Australian puppy and mine whines A LOT for every reason! I do have her ringing a bell to go potty so I stopped that whining but she is driving me nuts with her high pitched shrill! Love her to bits as anyway!

Whining excessively
by: janie

I have. 2.5 yr old blue Merle she does whine too especially when she wants treats/bones..she loves people food and treats..even aftr walking/playing at dog park she will whine at home for something more..I give her Himalayan dog bones last longer keeps her busy..I find using the kong and other longer lasting treats it does keep her problem s at night..she tends to want to lick everyone she likes to death so commands such as all done in repeatedly does help ..if I do put her in the crate she calms immediately so I will use that intermittently if need to help her chill and so I can get through a movie in peace..they are so smart sweet and loving just needy

My dog whines too
by: Anonymous

Mine just turned one. We got him from a shelter. He is an Australian Shepherd mix and in the last few months has finally gotten his voice and whines and talks a lot. I was beginning to think something's wrong with him. I guess they are vocal dogs. He eats grain free food so there's no problems there. I think it's because it's in their nature to herd cattle all day not be indoors doing nothing or even 4 hrs of play. They are supposed to be farm dogs. Constantly herding and exercising. So if they aren't those kind of dogs just in a regular home they are going to whine constantly. I have a 95lb Chocolate Lab that plays a lot with him. I just started using essiential oils to calm him down. I usually do it at night. At least he sleeps through the night.

Could depend on the dog's personality
by: Anonymous

Of all the dog breeds I've had and lived with most of them whine till they are 3-8 months old. Any longer I suspect a problem (possible anxiety like the Pitbull I have).

I've settled my Aussie down by giving her a command when I see her about to whine or bark and praise her for it. When I leave and she whines I ignore her it has seemed to get her to stop once she realizes she's not coming to get her. Her whining at night ended when I added a bell to the door and gave her a fixed schedule (it was a sleepless 6 months but she's stopped). When she throws a fit I just get up and leave (sometimes I leave the house for a bit) until she stops.

Now the only time she really whines is a bit after I leave for the day and when we are walking with the other dogs. Probably because she wants to herd them but can't. The other issue I've noticed that she has some anxiety with new dogs and sounds so I try to be gentle and not scold her as to not make the problem worse. I actually will pick her up for a bit than put her back down. It seems to get her to calm down. So for the most part she's only a bit more noisy than my other dogs.

For your dog it's hard to say. Alot has to do with each dog's needs and thier personality. Some dogs cry because it gives them attention, others it's because they are scared, lonley, bored or just a chatter box.

For instance my roommate has an adorable Greyhound and he a whiny boy. He whines if the door is closed, it's too cold, he's not happy with the food, his owner is out, or he wants attention.

Molly Dog
by: JR

Molly is 13 years old and still whines if getting attention!

Aussie Whining
by: Aspen's Mom

My 10 yr old still whines. She whines when she has to go potty, she whines when she's bored, she whines for attention, she whines when she wants food. She whines when it's Tuesday, when the sun's out, when flowers grow—she even whines while I pet her. I was at the vet one day and the door on the opposite side of the desk opened. I couldn't see the patient coming out, but I heard those whining howls. I told the receptionist someone wasn't too happy, and she said, "He's an Aussie. He's telling his daddy about his day." It's what they do. It's what they live for. And, that's okay, cause they're awesome!

Solution to the continuous whimper
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem. It seems this breed has a favorite person in the family usually which in mine is me. He wants my attention all the time, but over time he has learned if I say. "Go lay down" he will go lay down. A Kongwith peanut butter is always good. Put it in the freezer so when you give it to him-it lasts longer. Hope this helps.

So it's not mine only...
by: Anonymous

I'm kind of glad it's not, even though that does not solve much.

Teach all done and not now
by: Matt

Hi! How do you teach them all done and not now?

by: Schinell

I just got one that is a puppy still he was found in the trash can in a box with his siblings and he has not stopped whining and for the life of me I have no idea what to do. He is so scared to even go to sleep. I am writing this at 6:43 am because he won't stop whining.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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