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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussie/Beagle Mix Nipping

by Marcy

Hi Everyone! I have an almost 5 month old Aussie-Beagle mix and I was wondering if anyone else out there has a mix like this too? He looks more Aussie than beagle. His behavior is pretty good however he is chewing more (thinking teething). Also I know his nature is to herd and he tries to do this with some nipping. What is the best way to deter this?

Comments for Aussie/Beagle Mix Nipping

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Aussie/Beagle mix
by: Anonymous

Wow, now we know what an aussie/beagle mix looks like. Adorable!

Aussie Beagle mix
by: Anonymous

ive got an Aussie Beagle mix too!

I have one too! Her name is Iris, she’s a puppy and takes more after a beagle.
by: Anonymous

I have a mix too, her name is Iris. I am typing this on my tablet, no idea how to put a picture of her in, but she looks more beagle.

We have an Aussie/Beagle (Sheagle) too!
by: Anonymous

We have one as well! Tucker is almost 6 months old and does the exact same thing. We just never put 2 & 2 together to realize that trait/instinct before.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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