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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussies And Yards Without Fences

I have a very young Australian Shepherd, and we just moved into a home that does not have the best fence. In some places, the fence is only about 3 feet and very rickety. Obviously right now she won't have much unsupervised play, but I'm worried about her in the future.

I have looked into replacing the fence, but we share it with neighbors and they weren't too thrilled about adding a tall fence. I reluctantly purchased a 50 foot "trolley tie-out" for our yard in the meantime. I hate the idea of having her tied up and limited to 50 feet when we're gone, but I also hate the idea of her getting out of the fence and getting lost or hit by a car. I've read that Aussies aren't easily trained to stay in fences. Any suggestions?

Comments for Aussies And Yards Without Fences

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Electric fence
by: Sandy

A lot of people will not like my comment but we have 2 Aussies now and had 2 previously who just passes at age 15 and the were/are on an electric fence. It is on the lowest setting. They test it one or twice and then that is it. I have had two break throughs in the past 15 years but it was when they were young and more curious. I have a very big yard so it helps. I would rather do what I do then tie them up. I never leave with them outside. I don't think I would even with a regular fence. I hope that helps. Good luck

by: Anonymous

Your Fence I would guess........ If it was my Fence and I wanted it Higher for the sake of my Dog... I would put it Higher..... if it is not your fence and not on your property..... put another one next to it.

by: Nonnie

I am I interested in what others say. We have a 5 foot wooden fence. My Aussies don't try to jump or climb it. But they CAN. One of them got out if the yard. I was calling her and she came. Before I could open the gate she had climbed it. She can also jump a 30" baby gate from a sit position.

by: jcrply

My opinion is that you really need a good fence. I would place the safety and exercise and play of my dog above any objections the neighbors might have. A fencing company will install the fence on your side of the property line, and the neighbors really have nothing to say about that.

Aussie without fence
by: Michelle

No judgment. On my 7th Aussie..."never" put an Aussie on a's humiliating and can turn your dog from a sweet thing to an aggressive thing. Crate your Aussie when you are gone. It's safer. "and" if you own your property and "you" want a fence. You have every right to put one in. Community fence or not. I don't trust my Aussie in the yard by himself. He is just like me, curious and if something shiny in my visual and not supervised.....trouble will soon follow. The Aussie thinks like a person. Too much going on but can't reach it. But when crated, they are calm, rested and ready to play with YOU!!!! Not all the crap they couldn't the squirrels, the little chipmunks or even all the damn birds that landed in his yard mocking him b/c they know the Aussie can't get put your Aussie through hell on a chain!!!! My opinion. PUT UP A FENCE! oh wait get one of those invisible win for everyone!!!!

Aussie and Fence
by: Anonymous

We have two Aussies that are in our backyard all the time. They do stay there but you have to keep an eye on them as they will leave the yard is they see a squirrel or something. Our fence is only 3 feet tall. Why don't you bring your dog in when you leave the house?

by: Brenda

These dogs are very smart, my Aussie stays inside but goes outside everyday to sit on tne porch and travel the sidewalk she knows her perimeter very well and won't deter from it after 15 or maybe 20 minutes she is scratching on the door to come in.

electric fence
by: Anonymous

We trained our 6 month old Aussie with an electric, underground fence. She learned it very quickly and has only gone as far as hearing the beep one time in the last 2 months. Allows her to run as much as she wants. I didn't like the idea at all at first, but she is doing fantastic with it and allows her to play, run, and frolic as much as she wants.

by: Anonymous

Please consider getting the fence fixed- it' s the best choice for a dog

Invisible fence for sure
by: Anonymous

My aussie learned real quick with an invisible fence. She tried it once and never again ventured too far. It got to the point where it broke and I never got it fixed because she never tried it again. Not to mention if she does run, she quickly realizes she is no longer near me and comes running back. She can't stand to not be next to me helping me with every task.

check your local laws
by: jcrply

...just another comment. I don't know about your county ordinances, but where I live it is illegal to tie out a dog. No chains, no ropes, no type of tie out is allowed. Dogs are required to be either inside a fence or inside your home or on a leash. So you might want to check since your local ordinance may be your friend in this case and you can tell your neighbor that you have no choice but to install a new fence.

pet safe
by: kat

wow so many comments and all so different. I have 1/2 acre couldn't afford to fence it and have the PET SAFE WIRELESS fencing I should be a spokesperson for this product. I love it its about the training I put the 50 flags up and they stayed up for about 4 weeks. I use the lower setting and he know the warning sound and comes back. even when his collar is not on he thinks it is. I believe they are about $270.00 and worth every penny. You can easily take it with you camping or at a family members home. Its yours and you get to keep it when you move. I am in the yard a lot doing yard work my Rascal has to be out with me and this way I know he doesn't wander off. Good luck.

Yards without fences
by: Anonymous

Ideally a fence would be great, however, with 2.5 acrea that would be impossible. I trained my Aussie by walking with her and showing her the property line continuously, then purchased a shock collar. It worked but you still have to watch her, especially at night because she knows that you can't see her and then she will go exploring in the woods.

Invisible Fence
by: Kerry

I have a six month old mini Aussie on an invisible fence for 2 acres. It took 4 days to train him. Now when he hears the beep he carefully backs up and runs to the house. He has had 2 break throughs and honestly he was taunted and teased by the cat so he had no choice but to chase her! :) He tried to stop but he wasn't able to soon enough and as soon as he crossed he ran back across and never chased the cat that way again. It is the greatest thing!

by: Tom

In regards to the fence and the neighbors not wanting one taller........ your Fence ?? If is your fence,,, go to the City and find out how high you are allowed to put a fence....... personally I could care less what the Neighbors like or don't like if it is my fence and the Law allows me to put one in higher within the ordinance limits....... MY AUSSIE comes FIRST over the Neighbors. My Aussies have a 6 foot Chain Link Fence, keeps them safe when out in the yard.......

If it is not your Fence, find your Property Line and put you Fence in........ but do check with your town or city for what you are allowed to install in regards to height.

I Never Had To Use A Fence
by: Anonymous

I never had to use a fence of any sort with my girl. She stays home. She has a parameter she controls lol. The yard is her domain. I also live in the country, so that may have something to do with it.

Deer & wildlife
by: Jennifer

Anyone have experience with electric fences, Aussies and deer? I have 2.5 acres and am just curious if an electric fence will work if my dog spots turkeys, deer, raccoons...?

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