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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Aussies in Arizona

by Richie Renfrow
(Phoenix, Arizona)

I grew up with LOTS of Aussies but lived in the country in the South. I now live in Arizona and while I would love to have one, I'm not sure it would be fair for the dog with our over 110 degree heat. Any suggestions?

Comments for Aussies in Arizona

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GF and I love in PHX w/aussies
by: Anonymous

It’s fine to having Aussies here in PHX. My GF and I both live here and make do. During the hot months we hike around sunrise and sunset when it’s cooler out for dogs. During the real hot times of the day when they go out, we just make sure they are in shade or wear boots and make it very quick, Just check the ground to see if it’s to hot or not for this. During the Day too, make use of indoor toys like Kong’s or bones to keep them busy. They’re are tons of cooler places to escape to in AZ so take a trip up elevation and walk with your pup there to escape the heat. #chancetheadventurepup on instagram to see my Aussie in Arizona for some places.

Tips for Aussies in hot weather
by: Oracle Joyful Tails

Hey fellow Aussie lover!

I owned an Australian Shepherd in the southern AZ heat and no doubt she hated the heat, but as long as you exercise similar safety measures that you'd enforce with any long-haired dog in the summer, your dog should do fine.

Don't shave your Aussie's coat, though, since it will make her hotter. It sounds counterintuitive, but the key to remember is that dog's don't sweat. They cool themselves by panting. Double-coated dogs' fur acts as an insulator in the heat AS WELL AS THE COLD.

During hot weather, the cool air that the dog generates for itself by panting is trapped in the dog's double coat. Shave the coat and your dog has lost the insulation that traps the cool air close to the body. Plus, she's more at risk of getting sunburn because her protection has been shaved down.

Hose your dog down in the summer. Invest in a cooling jacketand A/C. Needless to say, do NOT make her live outside, no matter the weather.

BTW, I have my own pet sitting business servicing a portion of southwest AZ, so Aussie lovers in my area (or any animal lovers, for that matter) are in good company should you need a sitter that knows the Aussie breed. :)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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